Side Story 1
Unlock Requirements: 1000 | Rewards: 25
Well... Airi came to visit me before, and she was saying that she needed something called an agency in order to be an idol.

I said I was sure she and the others would be able to give others hope regardless of how they did it.

I'm sure the fans would be happier and more supportive if I kept being the idol they expect to see.
Do you think those girls are so irresponsible that they'd do something just because somebody told them to?

No, of course not! They're all serious about becoming idols. They want to inspire hope in others!

Besides, I don't think what Shizuku is worried about right now has anything to do with their decision about not joining an agency.

Yes. I think Shizuku is worried about is how she can meet the expectations her fans have of her.

She's trying to decide whether or not to continue playing the version of her that was created by others...

I think she would have eventually had to deal with the same question even if she had joined an agency.
Side Story 2
Unlock Requirements: 4000 • 1200
• 120
| Rewards: 50
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me the other day even though I stopped by without any warning.

I told my fans the same thing in our livestream. I said that I want them to see me as part of MORE MORE JUMP!

Shizuku & Minori

That's right. All the fans can send messages and share what they're feeling. Isn't it amazing?

To tell you the truth, Rin has been feeling a bit down recently. She's been worrying it was her fault you four were struggling.

She was afraid your troubles were due to her comment about you not needing an agency to be idols.

Not at all. We were the ones who ultimately made the decision to freelance as an independent group...

Still, I thought it would be best for her to see for herself instead of just hearing it from me.

Right?! I've already watched this a bunch of times already, but I can't help but feel amazed every time!

You told me before that you were sure there'd be those who would support me for who I am now.
Side Story 1
Well... Airi came to visit me before, and she was saying that she needed something called an agency in order to be an idol.

I said I was sure she and the others would be able to give others hope regardless of how they did it.

I'm sure the fans would be happier and more supportive if I kept being the idol they expect to see.
Do you think those girls are so irresponsible that they'd do something just because somebody told them to?

No, of course not! They're all serious about becoming idols. They want to inspire hope in others!

Besides, I don't think what Shizuku is worried about right now has anything to do with their decision about not joining an agency.

Yes. I think Shizuku is worried about is how she can meet the expectations her fans have of her.

She's trying to decide whether or not to continue playing the version of her that was created by others...

I think she would have eventually had to deal with the same question even if she had joined an agency.
Side Story 2
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me the other day even though I stopped by without any warning.

I told my fans the same thing in our livestream. I said that I want them to see me as part of MORE MORE JUMP!

Shizuku & Minori

That's right. All the fans can send messages and share what they're feeling. Isn't it amazing?

To tell you the truth, Rin has been feeling a bit down recently. She's been worrying it was her fault you four were struggling.

She was afraid your troubles were due to her comment about you not needing an agency to be idols.

Not at all. We were the ones who ultimately made the decision to freelance as an independent group...

Still, I thought it would be best for her to see for herself instead of just hearing it from me.

Right?! I've already watched this a bunch of times already, but I can't help but feel amazed every time!

You told me before that you were sure there'd be those who would support me for who I am now.
Other Luka Card Stories
- A Happy Doll Festival ♪/Card Story
- An Idol's Knowledge/Card Story
- Brand New School (Luka)/Card Story
- Chalkboard Cherry Blossoms In Bloom/Card Story
- Choosing To Wait/Card Story
- Cool Beauty/Card Story
- Doing Things My Own Way/Card Story
- Elegant Smile/Card Story
- Fairy Lantern ♪/Card Story
- Greetings Are Idol 101/Card Story
- Growing Unease/Card Story
- Guiding Hand/Card Story
- Happy Anniversary!! (Luka)/Card Story
- Happy Anniversary!! 2023 (Luka)/Card Story
- Happy Anniversary!! 2024 (Luka)/Card Story
- Here Comes the Free Spirit!/Card Story
- Hurry To Your Teammate!/Card Story
- Longing for the Sea/Card Story
- Original Style (Luka)/Card Story
- Photo Contest in SEKAI!/Card Story
- Precise Advice/Card Story
- Reassuring Words/Card Story
- Recounting To Your Feelings/Card Story
- Resonating Roughly But Richly/Card Story
- School SEKAI (Luka)/Card Story
- Sharing My Shine/Card Story
- Support Under The Blazing Sun/Card Story
- Surprise Challenger/Card Story
- Take A New Angle/Card Story
- The Madly Envious Tailor/Card Story
- What Do Kappas Like?/Card Story
- Wiping Away Twilight Rain/Card Story
A New Member Arrives ♪, 161, 4, Megurine Luka, Hanasato Minori, Hinomori Shizuku, Kagamine Rin