Side Story 1
Unlock Requirements: 200 | Rewards: 25
I've been thinking about what we'll need for our debut! Do you mind taking a look at the list I wrote?

Just an audition regular no more! This yet-to-debut idol will move mountains to graduate into a full-fledged celeb!

It's just it won't work after you've debuted, see? Wouldn't it be better to come up with something you can keep using, make it your thing?

The dazzling, resplendent Haruka is the shiniest, brightest star illuminating this universe! Twinkle-twinkle!

Alright then! I'll have a think about a better catchphrase for you, which will convey all your amazing qualities!

Airi's is this. Energy blast! The silly-cute, mega expressive idol, cool on the outside, mellow on the inside!

How about... Before you reveal this one to her, ask her what she'd like to put in her catchphrase, okay?

She might already have one, you never know. You wouldn't want to push your ideas onto her, right?

Shrouded in an air of mystery, here comes the ultimate ditzy lady totally obsessed with her younger sister!
Side Story 2
Unlock Requirements: 1000 | Rewards: 50
*Wind blowing*
When you're performing on an outdoor stage, sometimes you have to keep singing in a torrential rainstorm, you know?

*Papers flying*
*Paper flying into Minori's face*
With things flying around, someone could get hurt. Why don't we take a break until the wind dies down a bit?

Really? Minori always goes full steam ahead, so I could tell she wasn't the type to relax before shows.

What, you read me like an open book! This is why I was always doomed at sports events in elementary school...

Haruka & Airi
(I knew it...)

It makes me even more stressed to think that I might get so nervous that I'll make a mistake even after lots of rehearsals...

The only thing we have control over is how much we practice, so if I feel I've practiced enough, I leave it at that and I don't worry about what might happen.

You just act unfazed and say something along, Huh? That wasn't right? I don't know what you're talking about.

That's an option?! I... I don't think I could do this. I'd be so self-conscious, I wouldn't be able to just gloss over a mistake.

That's easier said than done. I think she's better off following my approach and practicing lots.

Wouldn't it motivate you more to see all those people you want to entertain, to hear them cheering you on?

Oh, that's some good advice! I can picture Minori getting really motivated by seeing our expectant audience!

W-Wait! Can someone first explain to me what you meant about me having the most idol potential? Hey!
Side Story 1
I've been thinking about what we'll need for our debut! Do you mind taking a look at the list I wrote?

Just an audition regular no more! This yet-to-debut idol will move mountains to graduate into a full-fledged celeb!

It's just it won't work after you've debuted, see? Wouldn't it be better to come up with something you can keep using, make it your thing?

The dazzling, resplendent Haruka is the shiniest, brightest star illuminating this universe! Twinkle-twinkle!

Alright then! I'll have a think about a better catchphrase for you, which will convey all your amazing qualities!

Airi's is this. Energy blast! The silly-cute, mega expressive idol, cool on the outside, mellow on the inside!

How about... Before you reveal this one to her, ask her what she'd like to put in her catchphrase, okay?

She might already have one, you never know. You wouldn't want to push your ideas onto her, right?

Shrouded in an air of mystery, here comes the ultimate ditzy lady totally obsessed with her younger sister!
Side Story 2
*Wind blowing*
When you're performing on an outdoor stage, sometimes you have to keep singing in a torrential rainstorm, you know?

*Papers flying*
*Paper flying into Minori's face*
With things flying around, someone could get hurt. Why don't we take a break until the wind dies down a bit?

Really? Minori always goes full steam ahead, so I could tell she wasn't the type to relax before shows.

What, you read me like an open book! This is why I was always doomed at sports events in elementary school...

Haruka & Airi
(I knew it...)

It makes me even more stressed to think that I might get so nervous that I'll make a mistake even after lots of rehearsals...

The only thing we have control over is how much we practice, so if I feel I've practiced enough, I leave it at that and I don't worry about what might happen.

You just act unfazed and say something along, Huh? That wasn't right? I don't know what you're talking about.

That's an option?! I... I don't think I could do this. I'd be so self-conscious, I wouldn't be able to just gloss over a mistake.

That's easier said than done. I think she's better off following my approach and practicing lots.

Wouldn't it motivate you more to see all those people you want to entertain, to hear them cheering you on?

Oh, that's some good advice! I can picture Minori getting really motivated by seeing our expectant audience!

W-Wait! Can someone first explain to me what you meant about me having the most idol potential? Hey!
Other Minori Card Stories
- Aiming To Be An Idol!/Card Story
- Beyond The Spotlight/Card Story
- Blessings From My Friends/Card Story
- Brand New Style (Minori)/Card Story
- Chasing My Seniors/Card Story
- Each Dream Weaves Another/Card Story
- Expanding Circle of Friendship/Card Story
- Falling With Honor/Card Story
- For "Your" Sake/Card Story
- Happy Birthday!! (Minori)/Card Story
- Happy Birthday!! 2023 (Minori)/Card Story
- I'll Treasure It For Life!/Card Story
- I'm Gonna Lose My Head!/Card Story
- Late-Night MC Training/Card Story
- Let's Do a Fan Meeting!/Card Story
- My First Vocal Range Check!/Card Story
- Nom Nom Time!/Card Story
- Passionate Call!/Card Story
- Passionate Talk!/Card Story
- Positive Flower/Card Story
- Pre-Show Prep/Card Story
- Scurry! Dash! Skitter!/Card Story
- Smoothies Blended With Feelings/Card Story
- Soothed By Friendship/Card Story
- Synonyms For Tasty/Card Story
- The Hasty Messenger/Card Story
- Watching Her Back/Card Story
- Wh-Wh-Wh-What?!/Card Story
MORE MORE JUMP! (Minori), 18, 2, Hanasato Minori, Kiritani Haruka, Momoi Airi, Hinomori Shizuku