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MORE MORE Making Christmas Event Story - Episode 1
Let's Do A Live Event!

Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)


Background Haruka's Room
Unit 1 Haruka's Room Unit 1
Minori (icon) Minori: Thanks for tuning in today, everyone!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I hope we all get to have fun.
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Hi.> <This is what I've been waiting for!> <What are you guys gonna do today?>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: We actually have a guest making a special appearance for us today. Someone I'm sure all of you already know.
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Someone we all know?> <Who could it be?>
Minori (icon) Minori: Heh heh heh. Our guest today is...! Get ready...!
Airi (icon) Airi: Ta-daa! From the “Nanamin Channel”, the one and only Nanamin!
Minori (icon) Minori: No, Airi, that was my line!
Airi (icon) Airi: You were taking too long!
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: So without further ado... Hi, everyone from the MMJ Channel! It's me, Nanamin♪
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Whoa, it's Nanamin!> <Awesome!!!!> <Collab #3!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm sure many of you already know, but we've had Nanamin appear on our channel previously.
Airi (icon) Airi: Then, we started talking about how it'd be great to invite her on to our channel the next time we got a chance.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Thank you again very much for that time, Nanamin! It's so great to have you here.
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Likewise. Thanks for inviting me on! I'm looking forward to having a nice, long chat with all of you today♪
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh, we will!
Airi (icon) Airi: Alright, let's get started! Today's segments are gonna include all of us with an emphasis on Nanamin!
Minori (icon) Minori: Okay! Here we go!
Minori (icon) Minori: Our first segment is... “Nanamin and MMJ Talk About And Sample Their Favorite Snacks♪”
Unknown (icon) Haruka, Shizuku, Airi & Nanamin: Yay!!

Minori (icon) Minori: Wow, that was so good! I hadn't had a “Mochimame” in such a long time! Great recommendation, Nanamin!
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: I'm glad you liked it! I get these all the time and kind of really want to be in their commercial♪
Airi (icon) Airi: Oh, the one where they all wear those big soybeans on their heads? I saw that commercial all the time as a kid.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Still, we all brought so many different snacks today. It's been a while since I had this many at once.
Airi (icon) Airi: Me neither. Probably not since elementary school.
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Haha. I know, right?! Oh, speaking of elementary school...
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: You did that event at that one school the other day, right?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes, the graduation event. You saw it?
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Yeah, it was so good! My friends and I were so stoked about “the return of the masked idol” after we saw it!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <It trended for pic shares too! lol> <Happy Everyday's so awesome!>
Airi (icon) Airi: Hehe. Of course! Airi Momoi and Happy Everyday are both the best idols ever!
Minori (icon) Minori: So true! Your solo performance even moved me to tears, Airi!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, it felt the same way! It was so nice to see you doing Happy Side Steps too...!
Airi (icon) Airi: That's what you wanted to see?
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I'm still jealous about that.> <I'd do anything to see MMJ do a show live!!>
Minori (icon) Minori: *Gasp*...!
Minori (icon) Minori: Hey, look at the comments! They said that they want to see us do a show!
Airi (icon) Airi: Wait, really?
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I'd definitely go see that show!> <Meet and greets too.> <I wanna see your show!>
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Oh... Thank you, everyone!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I wanna meet Haruka.> <I'll go wherever you perform.> <Yeah, do an event for us!>
Minori (icon) Minori: Hehe. I don't know what to say.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yeah, it'd be great to do an event where we can meet all of you...
Airi (icon) Airi: I agree. I want to meet all of our fans too!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: If we're going to do an event, it'd be nice to also do a meet and greet and a mini-concert.
Minori (icon) Minori: A meet and greet and a mini-concert...?!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Yay! When?> <I wanna meet you guys as soon as possible!!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: We can't say much right now since we'd have to work out a schedule and find a venue...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But we promise to start working on it, so please stay tuned, everyone.
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Great! I might just go to your meet and greet if you're really going to put on an event♪
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But you can meet us whenever you want, no?
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Oh, that's right! And I probably shouldn't take up another fan's spot like that...
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I wanna meet you ASAP!> <Tell us when everything's set!>
Unknown (icon) Comment: <But you guys aren't with an agency. Won't it be hard to put on an event?> <Yeah, how are you gonna find a venue?>
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Can't we help them somehow?!> <I believe in MMJ!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Hehe. Thank you.
Airi (icon) Airi: We promise to give you more details once we have everything figured out!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, so let's make it a wonderful event!
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah!
Minori (icon) Minori: (Alright, we need to make this an event where we can really spread hope to our fans!!)

Haruka (icon) Haruka: Great stream today, everyone.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Thank you again for joining us today, Nanamin. You being here made everything just that much more fun.
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: No, I should be the one thanking you! I had a lot of fun too! We should do this again sometime soon!
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Oh, but that might be tough if you're serious about putting on an event, huh?
Airi (icon) Airi: Yeah, they seemed really excited about us doing one, so we'll need to give it the attention it deserves.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Right. We'll have to find a venue, hire staff and work little by little to make it a reality...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: It'd be nice to perform at a large venue, but we'd have to think about how to actually book it and how many people will actually come to see us...
Minori (icon) Minori: This sounds really hard...!
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: ...
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Hey, I have a suggestion...!
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: What if I helped out a little?
Minori (icon) Minori: What?
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Booking a venue and hiring a staff isn't cheap, right?
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: I can even ask my agency about places that might be willing to take you on!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: That'd be amazing, but are you sure...?
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: Yes, I'm sure! I want to help MMJ as much as I can!
Airi (icon) Airi: Thank you so much! That was definitely going to be our biggest hurdle, so we'll take any help we can!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes, thank you. We really appreciate it, Hayakawa.
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: You got it! I'll be sure to ask my manager about this during our next meeting.
Minori (icon) Minori: Thank you so much, Nanamin!
Background Minori's Room (Night)
Unit 1 Minori's Room Unit 1
Minori (icon) Minori: *Sigh*...
Minori (icon) Minori: (Once we've found a venue and hired staff, we'll get to do our own event...!)
Minori (icon) Minori: (I'll get to meet our fans, chat with them and play games with them... Like a real idol during a real show!)
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh no!! I feel like my head's gonna explode just thinking about it!!
Minori (icon) Minori: Calm down... Don't get ahead of yourself! We don't even have a venue booked yet!
Minori (icon) Minori: Let's start by thinking about what we need to do to make this event happen!
Minori (icon) Minori: But what do we need besides a place to perform and staff to run things...? What shows have I been to...?
Minori (icon) Minori: That's right! I've been to tons of ASRUN events, meet and greets and fan meetings!
Minori (icon) Minori: They were all really incredible, and they even had a snow machine for their December events! During April, they'd always sell these cherry blossom glow sticks and...
Background Show Venue
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh...
Minori (icon) Minori: (That fan meeting ended up getting canceled...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (It was so windy that the rafters were in danger of being blown apart, so they prioritized everyone's safety above all else...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (Knowing that accidents like that can happen, putting on an event can't be easy.)
Minori (icon) Minori: (We had the teachers and staff there to help us when we performed at that elementary school, but that's not the case this time...)
Minori (icon) Minori: No, a big challenge means I have to put in a big effort...!
Minori (icon) Minori: And we have to make this event one that all our fans get to enjoy!!
Minori (icon) Minori: What should we do once we have a place booked? A meet and greet for one, and a mini-concert would be nice...

MORE MORE Making Christmas Event Story - Episode 2
What's Needed For The Event

Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)


Background Miya Girls Academy Rooftop
Unit 1 A few days later Unit 1
Unit 1 Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy - Rooftop Unit 1
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh, what about this place? It looks so new and sparkly! And it's right by the station!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: It is, but this would put us over the budget too...
Airi (icon) Airi: Huh? You two are here pretty early.
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh, good morning! Let's make practice a good one!
Airi (icon) Airi: You seem awfully excited, Minori.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, I agree. You're just overflowing with enthusiasm.
Minori (icon) Minori: That's because I am! I've been coming up with all sorts of ideas for our event!
Airi (icon) Airi: Hehe. That's great! Be sure to tell us about them once we have a venue picked out!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: By the way, what were you two just talking about?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: We were looking for some candidate venues. We felt bad about having Hayakawa doing everything for us, and it's a good opportunity to learn more about the venues around here.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Unfortunately, we still haven't found a good place for us.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I see. We actually tried looking for some staffing agencies that might be able to help us yesterday too.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: You did? Did either of you have any luck?
Airi (icon) Airi: Well, we have some candidates, but things get pretty expensive around this time of year...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: The increase in demand for all the events taking place between Christmas and New Year's in turn also causes prices to increase...
Minori (icon) Minori: Money, huh... Even after we talked about what kinds of things we want to do as MORE MORE JUMP!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, but that discussion also came attached with each of being able to “pay our fair share”.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: However, putting on an event is a completely different story...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Right. Booking a venue and hiring staff alone costs a lot of money...
Minori (icon) Minori: Wait, what if I take all the money I've made from working and spend it here...!!
Airi (icon) Airi: Oh? “All,” you say?
Minori (icon) Minori: W-Well... A little, maybe... Haha...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: If it's really starting to sound like we won't have enough, I could put in more and...
Airi (icon) Airi: No! We already discussed that, didn't we? We each pay our fair share.
Airi (icon) Airi: And I'm pretty sure that we've also talked about how it's not a good idea to make some work more than others.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Okay. Right... Thanks, Airi.
Airi (icon) Airi: With regards to booking a venue and staffing, we'll just have to wait for Nanamin to get back to us.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I understand. Hayakawa did mention that she needed to stop by her agency yesterday to discuss another matter...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Oh, right on cue...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Hello. this is Kiritani speaking.
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: <Hey, Haruka? Sorry for not getting back to you sooner! Are you free right now?>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes, we can talk. So... How'd everything go?
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: <Yeah, about that...>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Really? Thank you so much! You've been a huge help!
Minori (icon) Minori: ...!
Unknown (icon) Nanamin: <But...>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Oh...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Right. I guess we don't really have a choice. I'll discuss that with the others...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: No, we really appreciate it. Again, thank you so much. Okay, talk to you later.
Airi (icon) Airi: What'd she say?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: She said they found a good venue for us.
Minori (icon) Minori: What?! Really?!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes, her agency can apparently book this 500-person hall they use from time to time at a discounted rate.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: On Christmas Day no less...
Airi (icon) Airi: What?! On Christmas Day?!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Every venue's usually booked with some kind of event on Christmas...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Based on what Hayakawa just said, her agency originally had it booked for another event, but they ran into some trouble and had to cancel it.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: This venue was looking for another act to fill that vacancy since they would ultimately be the ones taking the most damage from that happening.
Minori (icon) Minori: That's incredible...!
Minori (icon) Minori: We really get to put on a Christmas event...?!
Airi (icon) Airi: Whoa, hold your horses!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Also, Haruka, you seemed a little concerned towards the end of that conversation.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Oh, well... It sounds like Hayakawa can take care of booking a venue for us that's also within our budget...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But hiring a staff for our event is going to be a challenge.
Minori (icon) Minori: It is?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Again, there are events of all shapes and sizes being held this time of year, which causes a shortage in supply in terms of event staff.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm a little worried about what we should do since Hayakawa's agency won't be able to help us there and how expensive it is to hire through another company...
Airi (icon) Airi: These venues usually have their own lighting and sound technicians, but we're gonna need more than that if we're really gonna do a fan meeting...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, we'll need receptionists, people to organize lines, check tickets and such.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Exactly. Our fans seem to be expecting quite a bit from us, so we're probably going to need extra hands for other activities besides just the meet and greet...
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh, right... There's no event without any event staff...
Minori (icon) Minori: Then, let's try looking for people who might be able to fill that role!
Airi (icon) Airi: Look for them? How?
Minori (icon) Minori: Like, um... Asking our friends to help us!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Oh, that's a wonderful idea! I'll try asking around as well.
Airi (icon) Airi: I see... That could actually work. I'll see if anyone in the tea ceremony club can lend us a hand.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Our friends... I feel a little bad about asking someone to help us like this on Christmas Day...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm sure some already have plans, but I suppose there's no harm in asking.
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah! I'll start by asking Kohane!
Background Miya Girls Academy Rooftop (Evening)
Unit 1 After School Unit 1
Minori (icon) Minori: Th-They all have plans!!
Minori (icon) Minori: They're all going out with their friends or seeing Christmas events and stuff...
Airi (icon) Airi: You too, huh, Minori...?
Minori (icon) Minori: Huh? Me too?
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I was told the same thing. My friends from club all made plans with their friends or family already.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Same. My classmates said they can't come because they're throwing a Christmas party.
Airi (icon) Airi: Tis the season so I guess it's to be expected...
Minori (icon) Minori: Right...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: We might not have any other choice but to increase our budget and hire people from a staffing agency...
Airi (icon) Airi: Yeah, I'll try looking again to see if there's a company that can help us.
Airi (icon) Airi: Oh, hey...!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Hm? What is it, Airi?
Airi (icon) Airi: Our MORE MORE JUMP! account got an email from someone...
Minori (icon) Minori: Huh? An email?

MORE MORE Making Christmas Event Story - Episode 3
Fan Mail

Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)


Background Miya Girls Academy Rooftop (Evening)
Unit 1 Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy - Rooftop Unit 1
Airi (icon) Airi: <Dear MORE MORE JUMP! My name is Ayaka Saito. I'm an avid fan of your channel and your streams!>
Airi (icon) Airi: <I apologize if this seems rather sudden.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <But I am writing to you today regarding the idea of your group doing a show in real life that came up during your last stream, and I believe that I may be able to help you.>
Minori (icon) Minori: Help us...?
Airi (icon) Airi: <I am currently a university student who works part-time as a production staff member.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <My line of work has me interacting with various different idol groups and artists on a regular basis...>
Airi (icon) Airi: <As such, I also have experience working with freelancers who do not belong to any agencies and putting on events for them.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <Freelancers of this sort usually do not have a manager or staff around them, which makes it difficult for them to put on any events by themselves.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <Real-life events always involve some kind of equipment and personnel to handle them.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <And I am under the impression that your group will inevitably face certain difficulties in terms of putting on an actual event.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <That is where I come in. Would you be willing to allow me to help you gather staff and find a suitable venue as part of helping you put on this event.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <This will purely be volunteer work as well. Quite a few of my friends are also MORE MORE JUMP! fans, so I believe I'll have more than enough hands on board for this.>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...!
Airi (icon) Airi: Hold on... This person's serious about helping us?
Minori (icon) Minori: Y-Yeah! It sure sounds like it!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: At the same time, this sounds too good to be true. What if it's really just someone posing as one of our fans? We need to take this into careful consideration...
Airi (icon) Airi: I agree. But let's keep reading for now.
Airi (icon) Airi: <And please feel free to disregard this email if you are not having any trouble with your event.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <However, if you are in a position of requiring outside help, I would be more than happy to be of assistance. I solemnly swear to do my absolute best!>
Airi (icon) Airi: <I'm sorry about the long explanation, but I'm really, genuinely looking forward to your event! Sincerely, Ayaka Saito>
Airi (icon) Airi: <P.S. My friends and I at the MMJ fan club that I'm running have written up a prospective plan for your event. We hope you take a look at it.>
Minori (icon) Minori: An MMJ fan club?! We have a fan club...?!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Hehe. That's wonderful.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm just as surprised. I had no idea. Is that everything, Airi?
Airi (icon) Airi: Let's see... No, there's more.
Airi (icon) Airi: <P.P.S. In my humble opinion, your best stream so far is the one where you all brought different ingredients and had hot pot together.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <I didn't expect it to start with veggies and end with roasting marshmallows. I tried roasting some myself after that and really like it. I hope you do another stream like that in the future...>
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Hehe. It certainly sounds like she saw that stream.
Airi (icon) Airi: Yeah, my guess is that she's really a fan of ours.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I agree.
Minori (icon) Minori: Th-This is so incredible...!
Minori (icon) Minori: Who would've guessed that someone like this would show up to save us like this!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yeah...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Mind showing me the attachment this person sent, Airi...?
Airi (icon) Airi: Yeah, here.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (This proposal looks professional...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (She and her friends have covered everything from an overall concept, our target audience, a budget and pricing options. They even came up with a few venue layouts...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (She said that they work part-time for a production company, but I would've thought that this is her full-time job.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Not only that, she's been paying close attention to us. There's even a part about the best way to showcase ourselves...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (This person might just be able to help us give our fans the show they deserve.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (And she's willing to write this off as volunteer work without us even asking...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Still...)
Minori (icon) Minori: I can't believe someone's willing to help us like this! Now, our event might just...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...
Minori (icon) Minori: Haruka...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Is this the right way to go?
Minori (icon) Minori: Huh?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I want us to spread hope to our fans.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm wondering if we'd be accomplishing that by relying on them for help. Something about that doesn't sit well with me...
Minori (icon) Minori: W-Wait, what do you mean? What's so wrong about that?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm talking about how I feel the other side of the stage is “reality”.
Minori (icon) Minori: Reality...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes. The dazzling stage that brings a dreamlike world to life is only made possible by having staff there to actually make it a reality.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: And they have to work incredibly hard. They're the ones who move all the heavy equipment, set everything up and move around thousands of people at a time.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: By agreeing to have this person help us, we'd be making them “work” instead of having fun, no...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: In other words, we'd be forcing our fans to face reality and see what goes on behind the scenes...
Minori (icon) Minori: B-But she said she works part-time for a production company and has helped put on events before...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: That doesn't give us license to say yes to this...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I want to do everything in my power to make sure our fans get to enjoy our events as fans.
Airi (icon) Airi: Right. I get what you're trying to say, Haruka...
Airi (icon) Airi: Something about having our fans see the other side of the stage while we try to spread hope from that stage does seem a bit off.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: You're saying that you want our fans to keep seeing us the way we appear under the spotlight, yes...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes, because I'm worried that making them work like this will in turn lead them to not enjoy what we do as fans.
Minori (icon) Minori: As fans...
Minori (icon) Minori: (But this person...)
Airi (icon) Airi: Still, this person's offer is almost too good to pass up. Not only do they have experience doing this, she's willing to work pro bono.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes, I understand that...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: If it means satisfying the demands of those who want to see us perform live, then we should agree to this offer...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But it still means showing them the other side...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'd like some more time to think about this. If possible, I want to find a different solution...
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah, okay... I'll try coming up with some ideas too...
Airi (icon) Airi: For now, I'll reply by saying thank you and that we need some time to think about it while we take their offer into consideration.
Airi (icon) Airi: After that, let's try to decide what's best for us, alright?
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Okay, but we'll need to act fast since the holidays are right around the corner... Let's do our best to find the best way to go about this.
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah...!
Background Minori's Room (Night)
Unit 1 Minori's Room Unit 1
Minori (icon) Minori: *Sigh* What should we do...?
Minori (icon) Minori: (I understand what Haruka means by not wanting to have our fans see what goes on behind the scenes...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (Asking our fans to work as staff means that they probably won't get to enjoy this event as actual fans...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (Still...)
Background Show Venue
Minori (icon) Minori: (Hehe♪ The ASRUN meet and greet's today!)
Minori (icon) Minori: (I can't wait to meet Haruka. It's outside today too, so I'll get to see her under this beautiful, blue sky...!)
Minori (icon) Minori: W-Wah! I-It's so windy...!
Minori (icon) Minori: Is there a typhoon coming? Oh, I should put my ticket back in my bag!
Unknown (icon) Fans: Hey, is it me or do the staff seem really anxious all of a sudden...?
Unknown (icon) Fans: Yeah, and they moved people away from keeping all the lines sorted... Did something happen?
Minori (icon) Minori: (Huh? They're right. All of the staff seems to be scrambling around for some reason now...)

Unknown (icon) Fans: They're running really late now, aren't they? Our line hasn't moved for ages.
Minori (icon) Minori: (Everything's okay, right? I mean, things are running a little late...)
Unknown (icon) Announcement: <To all guests and visitors.>
Unknown (icon) Announcement: <We regret to inform you that we are experiencing some trouble at the meet-and-greet venue due to strong winds.>
Minori (icon) Minori: What...?!
Unknown (icon) Announcement: <No incidents have been reported as of yet, but if these winds persist, the possibility of an accident occurring will only increase.>
Unknown (icon) Announcement: <Unfortunately, we have no choice but to cancel today's meet-and-greet event.>
Minori (icon) Minori: Noooo! The meet and greet's being canceled?!
Unknown (icon) Fans: But I waited so long...!
Minori (icon) Minori: Wait, it's them! It's all of ASRUN...!
Minori (icon) Minori: (I really hope Haruka's okay... She must be so torn up about this event getting canceled...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: <Thank you all so much for coming out to see us today...>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: <I really regret not being able to see you all after traveling all this way... I'm so sorry.>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: <You must've all waited such so long and took this time out of your busy schedules to be here today...>
Minori (icon) Minori: I-It's not your fault, Haruka! You can't control the wind and weather!
Minori (icon) Minori: Today didn't go as planned, but I'll come back again and again! I'll do anything to see that smile of yours!
Unknown (icon) Fans: Yeah! We're happy as long as we get to see your faces!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: <Thank you so much...>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: <Today's event did end up getting canceled, but I believe we'll get another chance to see each other.>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: <So until then, we'll be waiting!>
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah! I'll be there...!
Unknown (icon) Fans: ASRUN's the best!
Minori (icon) Minori: (*Sob*... It's sad that it got canceled...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (But Haruka's just that amazing! Even though everyone was so disappointed, she was there to cheer us all up...)
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh no...!
Minori (icon) Minori: (But that's only natural...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (Haruka's probably disappointed the most... She won't get to meet any of her fans.)
Minori (icon) Minori: (I wish there was something I could do for her. I wish I could cheer her up somehow...)
Unknown (icon) Announcement: <Thank you for visiting today. We deeply regret and apologize for what has happened. With regards to the next meet and greet...>
Minori (icon) Minori: (I still remember the expression on Haruka's face that time...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (Everyone was looking forward to meeting her, and she seemed so sad about disappointing them...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (I understand why she feels the way she does about not showing them the other side of the stage.)
Minori (icon) Minori: (But I feel like our fans would be saddened even more if they saw that their favorite idols were having trouble putting on events...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (At least, that's what I felt that time...)
Minori (icon) Minori: (I have a feeling that the fan who sent us that offer to help us did so because they feel the same way...)

MORE MORE Making Christmas Event Story - Episode 4
Idol / Manager?

Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)Miku mmj (icon)Len mmj (icon)MEIKO mmj (icon)KAITO mmj (icon)


Background Haruka's Room
Unit 1 Haruka's Room Unit 1
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (How can we make it so this event's fun for all of our fans...?)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (I'd hate to do this to Hayakawa, but finding a smaller venue may be the way to go. Then, we could run things on our own and require less staff...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (But the smaller venues are all booked up right now, so at worst, we may have to wait over half a year until things start slowing down for them.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (If that happens, our fans would be so disappointed... That's something I'd like to avoid no matter what.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Should I talk to Airi about increasing our budget? Or...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: *Sigh*...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (I don't know what the right answer is... How will our fans be able to enjoy themselves...?)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (This proposal looks professional...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (That fan of ours, Saito... Their proposal looked so professional and well put together...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (And our fans would probably have the most fun if we perform at the venue Hayakawa found for us.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (But that person's also one of our fans. They must be looking forward to seeing us put on an event just as much as anyone else...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Okay, let's take a step back and try to look at things from a different perspective...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I need to think more flexibly, like when Airi and the others decided to move forward as freelancers...
Background Stage SEKAI
Haruka (icon) Haruka: That's right. Airi went to talk things over with Rin that time...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Maybe I'll find an answer if I go over to see them.
Background Stage SEKAI
Unit 1 Stage SEKAI Unit 1
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Huh? The stage? But I'm off to the side... Where are Miku and the others...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Oh, is a show about to start? And the lights...
Miku mmj (icon) Miku: Hi, everyone! How's it going♪
Len mmj (icon) Len: We'll all be doing a show together today, and we promise to make it an unforgettable one!
MEIKO mmj (icon) MEIKO: Alright, let's jump right in with our first song! Start the music!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: A show with all of them...?
Unknown (icon) Luka & Len: ——♪ ——♪
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (This is incredible... All the lighting and effects match their formation perfectly.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Not only that, it feels like they put a lot more effort into this performance compared to normal...)
KAITO mmj (icon) ???: Perfect! Adding in more yellow for the lighting was definitely the right choice!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Huh? That voice...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: K-KAITO?!
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Hm? Oh, hello there!
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: You must be Haruka. Miku and Len have told me all about you.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: My name is KAITO. It's nice to finally meet you. I arrived here not too long ago to help Miku and the others with their shows.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Help with their shows... ?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Does that mean you put all this together, KAITO... ?
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Well, not all of it. I'm helping with the effects right now, but I did get a chance to work on the proposal for this.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: You sound more like a producer than an idol... Am I right in saying that?
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Hehe. Close but not quite! I'm an idol, manager and.. Well, many other things.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: I enjoy being on stage and working behind the scenes, so I thought, "Why not do both?"
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I see... Still, that seems like a lot of work...
Idol - Manager?!
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Oh...!
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Did you see the way Rin and Len turned just now?! Absolute perfection!
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Thank goodness too... Those two have been working so hard on how they turn...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Hehe.

Haruka (icon) Haruka: (KAITO's eyes are sparkling like he's watching his own children perform on stage.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (I guess it means he genuinely enjoys supporting those around him and helping them succeed.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (I'd do anything to have staff like him around for our event. It'd make everything so much easier...)
Airi (icon) Airi: <And please feel free to disregard this email if you are not having any trouble with your event.>
Airi (icon) Airi: <However, if you are in a position of requiring outside help, I would be more than happy to be of assistance. I solemnly swear to do my absolute best!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But...
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Is something on your mind, Haruka... ?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Huh? How did you... ?
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Hehe. Chock it up to being a manager. I can tell at a glance what idols are feeling! Well, a little at least...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Hehe... Thank you for asking.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: We've been thinking about putting on our own event but are a bit stuck right now...

KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Having your fans see what goes on behind the scenes... That is a tricky one.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: However, Haruka, I think I understand why you feel so hesitant.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: You do?
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Yes, of course
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: The stage is a wonderful place that shines, sparkles and makes everyone in the audience smile...
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: But that light doesn't reach the other side of the stage. It's a place that can be cruel at times
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: And you being aware of that fact is why you feel the way you do about exposing your fans to the other side, yes?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I also understand how Minori feels about this. We can't put on an event all on our own, and us not being able to hold one means we'd be disappointing our fans...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But we all want to spread and inspire hope in our fans as idols...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: If we have some of them see what goes on behind the scenes and they're no longer able to enjoy themselves as fans, I'd...
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: ...
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: This is just my opinion...
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: I believe that idols are able to spread hope to not just the fans in the audience, but those working behind the scenes on the other side as well.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Even all the staff... ?
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Yes! They put their hearts and souls into setting everything up from the lights to the sound from scratch. They want their beloved idols to dazzle as much as possible
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Isn't that a wonderful thing? I personally feel a great sense of accomplishment whenever I succeed at doing that.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: You feel that too... ?
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: Yes. I have a feeling that these fans of yours suggested this because they want to experience what happens on the other side firsthand.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: It'll be a special experience for them since they'll get to see their favorite idols smile by making their event a success.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: There's probably no better feeling in the world than when that happens.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: They'll get to feel it too...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Do our fans really want to help build our event from the ground up and make it a success...? If so, I couldn't be happier...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (But even if that's the case...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Is it okay for us to lean on them this much... ?)
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: I suspect you need more time to find your answer...
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: But it's okay to worry and think about it for as long as you like. Ultimately, I think it just comes down to believing in your decision.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: And I'm sure you'll find a good answer, Haruka. I'm sure things will be just fine.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Thank you very much, KAITO.
Miku mmj (icon) Miku: ♪————!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Hehe...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: What a great show.

Background Miya Girls Academy Rooftop
Unit 1 The next day Unit 1
Unit 1 Miya Girls Academy - Rooftop Unit 1
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Good morning. Let's do our best during practice today.
Airi (icon) Airi: Morning, Haruka! That just leaves Minori.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Oh, Haruka, did you not get enough sleep last night?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: That obvious, huh... ? I had a lot on my mind.
Airi (icon) Airi: About staffing, right? I tried asking around a little more, but didn't have any luck.
Airi (icon) Airi: My friends from junior high said that they're all busy around this time.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I tried asking Shii as well, but she already has plans to throw a party with her friends that day...
Minori (icon) Minori: G-Good morning!!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Oh, Minori, good morning... It's not like you to be the last one here
Minori (icon) Minori: Th-There's something I'd like to discuss with all of you... I was trying to figure out how to say this last night and wound up oversleeping as a result...
Airi (icon) Airi: Okay, but why so formal all of a sudden?
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: What is it that you'd like to discuss?
Minori (icon) Minori: I-It's...! Um... So...
Minori (icon) Minori: Can we have our fans help us put on our event? I really think we should!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ... !

MORE MORE Making Christmas Event Story - Episode 5
Very First Steps

Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)


Background Miya Girls Academy Rooftop
Unit 1 Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy - Rooftop Unit 1
Minori (icon) Minori: I thought really long and hard yesterday about whether or not it's okay for us to have our fans work behind the scenes for us...
Minori (icon) Minori: I mean long. Really long... And I arrived on this.
Minori (icon) Minori: When I was still just a fan of you, Haruka, I only ever saw the idol that dazzled everyone... I thought that it must be wonderful to be on stage like that.
Minori (icon) Minori: You're probably right that I wouldn't have been able to enjoy being a fan and thought that it must be hard being an idol if I saw what's on the other side.
Minori (icon) Minori: So I do understand your position regarding us having our fans see that.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Okay...
Minori (icon) Minori: But this is what I really think!
Minori (icon) Minori: Fans don't just want to see idols shine and sparkle.
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: What do you mean?
Minori (icon) Minori: I mean that fans will be there to support their favorite idols through thick and thin! They'll cheer for them no matter what if it means they'll keep shining!
Minori (icon) Minori: B-But that's also just the way I am...!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Minori...
Minori (icon) Minori: Haruka, do you remember when that ASRUN event got canceled because it was so windy...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: What...?
Minori (icon) Minori: Right as you started making your way backstage, you had this really sad look on your face...
Minori (icon) Minori: That's when I thought this.
Minori (icon) Minori: Isn't there anything I can do to help cheer up Haruka and ASRUN...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: You were there, Minori...?
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah!
Minori (icon) Minori: Unlike you guys, the event at that elementary school was my first and I still probably don't understand yet just how hard everyone on the other side has to work...
Minori (icon) Minori: But I'm guessing that the person who sent us that email feels the same way...
Minori (icon) Minori: Even if they see what's on the other side...No, by seeing the other side, they'll be willing to support us even more! So please...!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I understand, Minori...
Minori (icon) Minori: So that means...?!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But that's just your opinion.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: What do you plan on doing if or when our fans aren't able to enjoy things as fans after seeing the other side?
Minori (icon) Minori: W-We'll...
Minori (icon) Minori: We'll just try again...!!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: What...?
Minori (icon) Minori: If that happens, we'll just have to try even harder than before to make sure they all have fun again!!
Minori (icon) Minori: We can do more streams, interact more with our fans and dazzle them even more...! We'll just have to find more ways to spread hope as idols!
Minori (icon) Minori: By doing that, I'm sure they'll still be able to feel that spark after seeing the “reality” you were talking about!
Airi (icon) Airi: Find more ways, huh...? No plan as usual.
Minori (icon) Minori: ...!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Hehe. But it's very you, Minori.
Minori (icon) Minori: I-I'm so sorry...! I couldn't come up with anything else...!
Minori (icon) Minori: But I promise to do everything I can for the people we hire as our staff!
Minori (icon) Minori: Because I'm certain that doing this will become a really special memory for them in the end!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: ...!
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: It'll be a special experience for them since they'll get to see their favorite idols smile by making their event a success.
KAITO mmj (icon) KAITO: There's probably no better feeling in the world than when that happens.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Was I worrying too much...?)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (Did I put myself in a corner by focusing too much on the consequences of this “choice”?)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (All the while, Minori...)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (She truly believes in our fans.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: (They won't be brought down by seeing what's real. They'll be willing to face this if it means we're smiling in the end.)
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Okay...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Why don't we give it a try?
Minori (icon) Minori: *Gasp*...! R-Really...?!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Yes. But you should also be asking Airi and Shizuku this.
Minori (icon) Minori: S-So, what do you think...?
Airi (icon) Airi: I think Haruka's right in terms of how we all think about fans differently, but I also understand how you feel, Minori...
Airi (icon) Airi: As long as there are fans out there who are willing to support us, I'll do whatever I can to answer their call...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I wasn't sure which was the right answer either...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: But I can't help but wonder if Minori's right about how our fans may want to support us even more by putting on this even...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: So I think we should believe in them and take this chance.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Understood... Then, let's tell Saito about our decision.
Minori (icon) Minori: O-Okay...! Thank you all so much!!

Unit 1 The next day Unit 1
Airi (icon) Airi: Hey, we got a response about helping us with our event!
Minori (icon) Minori: What?! Already?!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: That's wonderful. She must've been wanting to help us just that much.
Airi (icon) Airi: Also, she said, <Would it be possible for us to have a video conference?>
Airi (icon) Airi: I'd like to do that today if it's alright with you guys.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Right... We'll be able to share information much more quickly by doing this as opposed to replying through email.
Minori (icon) Minori: B-But a video conference with one of our fans...! I'm so nervous!
Airi (icon) Airi: You're joking, right? If we ask her for help, we'll probably be meeting every day from here on out.
Airi (icon) Airi: Anyway, <Yes, we'd love to.>
Airi (icon) Airi: Oh, looks like she's ready to talk now...
Minori (icon) Minori: *Gasp*...! Everything's moving so fast...!
Unknown (icon) Saito: <Oh... Hello! I'm Ayaka Saito. It's nice to finally meet you!>
Minori (icon) Minori: Uh... H-Hello!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Nice to meet you, Saito. Haruka Kiritani here.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: First, allow me to thank you for your generous offer. We really appreciate your help.
Unknown (icon) Saito: <No, it's my pleasure! I apologize for sending you such a shady-looking email completely out of the blue... But thank you very much for replying!>
Unknown (icon) Saito: <Th-This is so cool...!! I'm talking to the real deal...!! Excuse me, I need a drink of water... *Cough*... Hack!>
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Oh, are you alright?
Airi (icon) Airi: Wait, I've definitely seen this before...
Minori (icon) Minori: I know how she feels! I get so nervous when talking to idols too!
Unknown (icon) Saito: <Pardon me. Thank you for waiting! I'm all better now!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Anyway, shall we get started? There are quite a few questions that we'd like to ask you.
Unknown (icon) Saito: <Yes, please!>

Unknown (icon) Saito: <I see. So you're hoping to do a meet and greet, a talk show and a mini-concert at the Okuyama Building's underground hall in Shibuya, which holds up to 500 people...>
Unknown (icon) Saito: <Based on that, I think you're going to need a few more hands helping out...>
Minori (icon) Minori: Huh?
Unknown (icon) Saito: <I have six MMJ fans among my friends, so my original plan was to have two of them be receptionists, four on crowd control and me overseeing everything...>
Unknown (icon) Saito: <But if you're looking at a 500-person hall, it'd be nice to have some extra hands on board as insurance since you're thinking about doing a meet and greet...>
Unknown (icon) Saito: <My estimate would be ten... No, fifteen more people...>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I see...
Airi (icon) Airi: That's easier said than done. We've been having a hard time ourselves since the holidays are coming up...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: I know this isn't the best plan, but what if we lower the number of people that can attend? Wouldn't that allow us to work with what we have...?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Right... That is an option...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Or... What if we asked our fans?
Minori (icon) Minori: Huh?
Haruka (icon) Haruka: During our stream with Hayakawa, I remember seeing some comments mentioning how they want to help and to let them know if we ever need them.
Minori (icon) Minori: Oh...!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Can't we help them somehow?!> <I believe in MMJ!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: We've chosen to accept the help of some fans already, so I think we can ask a few more for their help...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Of course, not everyone will have experience like you, Saito, so there are some risks attached to this. They may even hesitate to do this as a result...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But they're here to support us, which means they genuinely want to help us, right, Minori...?
Minori (icon) Minori: (She's right. What if there are other fans out there like Saito and me...?)
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah! Okay, let's try asking them!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Alright. Then, how about we start recruiting staff for our event once we have a plan all lined up?
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: That seems fine. Let's do everything we can to show our fans just how much we appreciate them!
Minori (icon) Minori: Yeah!

MORE MORE Making Christmas Event Story - Episode 6
Let's Make It Together!

Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)


Background Miya Girls Academy Rooftop
Unit 1 A few days later Unit 1
Unit 1 Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy - Rooftop Unit 1
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Okay, let's start streaming.
Minori (icon) Minori: Thanks for tuning into our stream today, everyone!
Airi (icon) Airi: This is an “emergency stream”, and as such, we have a special announcement in store for you today!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <A special announcement? Tell us!> <Does this mean you're doing an event?!>
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, that's right. We'll be holding a real-life event, which means we'll finally get to meet all of you.
Unknown (icon) Comment: <No waaaay!! Really?!> <I'm for sure going!!> <Yaaay!!>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Hehe. I'm glad you're all so excited about it.
Airi (icon) Airi: It'll be taking place on the fourth Saturday of next month starting at 4:00 pm at the Okuyama Building's basement hall in Shibuya!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: We apologize for not letting you know sooner, but we managed to book a venue just in time for Christmas.
Minori (icon) Minori: We'll also be doing a stream on Christmas Day too!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <A Christmas event!> <I get to meet Shizuku on Christmas.> <I'll be there, Airi!>
Airi (icon) Airi: Hehe. Stay tuned and get ready for a great event, you guys!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: There's also something we'd like to ask of you today...
Unknown (icon) Comment: <Ask us? What could it be?> <I'll do anything! Just ask!>
Minori (icon) Minori: So, we have a venue and date set, but we're still shorthanded in terms of staff...
Minori (icon) Minori: If our current situation holds, we'll have to limit the number of people that can attend our event or possibly cancel it.
Minori (icon) Minori: But we want as many people to come to our event as possible. We want you all to be there!
Minori (icon) Minori: So...!
Minori (icon) Minori: If any of you out there would like to join us as staff, we'd really appreciate it!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <What?! Us?!> <So MMJ's recruiting event staff?>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: I'm sure you all want to enjoy this event as fans instead of staff...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: And we understand that we'd be asking quite a lot from you.
Haruka (icon) Haruka: But as it happens, someone reached out to us when we really didn't know what to do. They offered to help us with this event...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Yes, which is why we'd like to ask you as well...
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: If there are any others out there who feel the same way, we'd really appreciate you lending us a hand.
Airi (icon) Airi: Unfortunately, you won't be able to enjoy the event as part of the crowd and we don't have much to offer in terms of compensation.
Airi (icon) Airi: But if that's okay with any of you out there, we beg you! Please, help us!
Minori (icon) Minori: P-Please...!
Minori (icon) Minori: I want to build this event from the ground up with you guys, and I think it'll be amazing to feel that sense of accomplishment together after it succeeds!
Minori (icon) Minori: Before, when I used to watch these kinds of events on TV or as part of the audience, I always thought about doing something like this...
Minori (icon) Minori: So please, help us!!
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I want to help.>
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Oh...
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I'm in a theatre company, so I can help with the lights a little!> <Where do I sign up?>
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I wanna help but I live too far away!> <I'm so jealous of the people who can go!>
Minori (icon) Minori: You guys...!
Shizuku (icon) Shizuku: Thank you all so much! I'm speechless.
Airi (icon) Airi: We'll attach an application for participating as event staff to this video's description later! Please take a look when you get a chance!
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Everyone...
Haruka (icon) Haruka: Thank you...
Minori (icon) Minori: Thank you so much! I think it'll be a wonderful event if we all work together on it!
Minori (icon) Minori: No, I don't think it... I KNOW it! So let's make it an unforgettable event!

Unit 1 The next day Unit 1
Haruka (icon) Haruka: There, everything's set... Let's start our video conference.