Kanade's Father[]
CV: Usami Wataru (うさみ 航)
- Age: 46
- Hobbies: Watching movies
- Favorite food: Boiled eggplants
- Least favorite food: Crab, shrimp

Kanade's Father (奏の父) made his first appearance in 25-ji, Nightcord de.'s Main Story. He was an independent musician who made a living through music composition commissions. He was the one who initially inspired Kanade to compose music.
When Kanade was in Junior high, her father entered a music competition. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to find satisfaction with his piece. Kanade, seeing this frustration, came up with a section he was lacking, bringing the whole piece together within seconds, to her father's surprise and awe. This song eventually won the competition. However, it was only Kanade's section that earned the attention of the judges. This bothered him, and the feeling only grew as commissioners in the following months only asked for pieces that sounded like Kanade's section, rather than his own work. He became increasingly stressed as he attempted to produce something that sounded similar to Kanade's music.
One night, Kanade came into his room, having written a song for him. Upon playing it, her father was shaken, realizing in that moment that his music isn't what modern people need, and that he could never touch the hearts of others with his songs. He then told Kanade to keep creating music, since her music would undoubtedly help people. The next day, Kanade found her father collapsed in his room and unresponsive. At the hospital, the doctors said he collapsed from fatigue, and that he should be able to recover. However, he also suffered from severe burnout, making it difficult for him to remember things properly, without a clear time when he would recover from this psychological damage.
Currently, he is still in care at the hospital, slowly recovering from his memory problems. Kanade visits him weekly. He spoke for the first time in Carnation Recollection, and although he did not recognize Kanade, he was able to hold a conversation with her.
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Mafuyu's Mother[]
CV: Toyoguchi Megumi (豊口 めぐみ)
- Age: 41
- Hobbies: Cooking
- Favorite food: Cake
- Least favorite food: Junk food

Mafuyu's Mother (まふゆの母) was first featured in the 25-ji, Nightcord de. Main Story. Her Live2D model and voice were introduced for the first time in immiscible discord.
Mafuyu's mother is a full-time housewife who is admired by her husband and neighbors for being "an exemplary mother." She is insistent on her daughter going down a path she believes is best for her, encouraging her to study and become a doctor, not knowing Mafuyu's dream to become a nurse instead. Mafuyu's mother distrusts Nightcord, who she believes are simply strangers on the internet trying to stray Mafuyu away from her intended path. Mafuyu hides her true feelings from her mother, and therefore the two rarely communicate effectively with one another. She is shown to be very controlling and even manipulative towards Mafuyu, however in her eyes she truly believes she is doing is what is best for her daughter that she loves.
In the We Escape to Survive event, after her meeting with Kanade in 'immiscible discord', Mafuyu's mother starts becoming even more restrictive in order to keep Mafuyu away from her groupmates by "accidentally" breaking her laptop and throwing away her synthesizer, saying that "having the synthesizer around will make it harder for you to focus on studying", and how Mafuyu earlier said she was planning to quit making music either way. She also tries to take Mafuyu's phone away in Farewell, My Mask due to her grades dropping, but this instead leads to her phone getting broken after it falls into Mafuyu's aquarium. This event is also where she finds about Mafuyu's true feelings and desire of wanting to become a nurse instead of a doctor, yet still tries to convince her daughter to continue on a path that would make her more successful.
Mafuyu's mother is shown to be devastated over Mafuyu running away. She eventually attempts to convince Mafuyu to return home telling her that she (Mafuyu's mother) was in the wrong, but upon finding out Mafuyu isn't coming back, she falls into a state of depression. In Reeling in the Lights, Mafuyu's father attempts once again to get the whole picture on what exactly went down during Mafuyu and her mother's discussion, which ends in Mafuyu's mother crying that she doesn't know what to do anymore.
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Mafuyu's Father[]
CV: Shingaki Tarusuke (新垣 樽助)
- Age: 45
- Hobbies: Reading (business books)
- Favorite food: His wife's cooking
- Least favorite food: Deep-fried foods other than tempura

Mafuyu's father (まふゆの父). Similarly to her mother, he made his first appearance in 25-ji, Nightcord de.'s Main Story unvoiced and without a Live2D model. Prior to his proper introduction in the Searching for Sunken Shadows event, it was mainly mentioned that he is a working man (later revealed to be a company executive) who is constantly busy with business trips. He is the one who also brought Mafuyu's synthesizer for her.
Like Mafuyu's mother, he is oblivious to Mafuyu's inner struggles, and him being busy at work has led to him being somewhat absent from her life. In his debut event, he attempts to persuade Mafuyu to return home, but upon seeing how much pain she is in, he apologizes to her for not realizing how much she has suffered at the hands of her mother's expectations, and asks if Kanade could keep taking care of her for a bit longer. Since then, he visits the Yoisaki household weekly and does his best to help Mafuyu recover.
In Reeling in the Lights, he asked Mafuyu about the day she spoke to her mother before leaving home. When she tells him that she doesn't want to be a doctor, he was surprised. He apologizes to Mafuyu for not realizing her feelings due to their expectations and encourages her to pursue her own path and decisions that he can support her for.
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Shinonome Shinei[]
CV: Hoshino Takanori (星野 貴紀)
- Age: 48
- Hobbies: Camping with his family
- Favorite food: Pancakes, cheesecake
- Least favorite food: Carrots

Shinonome Shinei (東雲 慎英) is Ena and Akito's father. He is a professional artist, and was Ena's inspiration to take up art. While he made an appearance in 25-ji, Nightcord de.'s Main Story, he had no model and was unvoiced. His true debut was in the Insatiable Pale Color event story.
When Ena was in junior high, she told her father about her desire to become an artist after coming home from school one day. His response was cold, saying that Ena did not have the talent needed to become an artist, and would never gain recognition for her work. Feeling betrayed, Ena declared to him that she would become a great artist even without his support, and ran off. This incident deeply affected their relationship, which has been strained ever since.
In the Insatiable Pale Color event story, Ena finds a flyer her father left at home for an art contest. Unsure of whether to participate, she abruptly decides to enter when her father says she would not have a chance at winning. Some days later, when Ena receives a rejection letter from the contest judges, her father tries to speak with her after she had read the letter. He tells Ena that if she is going to be an artist, she will feel the sting of failure again and again, and that she will have to work harder than she can imagine if she wishes to be on par with the talented. Ena takes it very badly, but her father leaves before she can respond. That night, after Ena has a meltdown and runs off to the Empty SEKAI, Akito confronts their father over his words.
His intentions truly were to look out for Ena, as he experienced firsthand how cruel and unforgiving the world of art was. Due to his experiences, he firmly believes that any potential artist will have to continue struggling and creating without an end in sight in order to find recognition. Deep down he really loves his children and was worried that Ena would not be able to handle the pain that came with being an artist, wishing to warn her before she became too committed to turn back. However, as Akito points out, he is unaware of what Ena truly wants, which really was just her father's support. The next day, Ena's father enters her room and comments on her latest work, praising it but pointing out some mistakes, and makes it clear that he took Akito's words to heart.
In the Knowing the Unseen event story, Ena takes up Yukihira's offer to attend a solo exhibition as an extracurricular activity, despite the fact it was her father's exhibition. When looking at her father's paintings, Ena quickly picks up that all of his pieces have a depressing feeling to them, and it was like he was in pain whilst painting. Shortly after, Yukihira arrives and asks Ena what she thought of the paintings. She tells him that she felt they all conveyed a sense of pain, however his painting of a peony was different, and she felt as though he was almost painting "salvation." Yukihira then reveals that his career originally suffered, as no matter how hard he tried, no one understood or acknowledged his art, and after Ena was born, he was considering quitting art altogether.
Surprised by the revelation, Ena decides to talk to her father. She asks if he really was going to quit painting when she was born. He affirms her statement, however the reason why he wanted to quit art, was that he felt like he had never achieved anything as a human being. He reveals that Ena's birth was like a light in the darkness that was his life and he knew that he needed to protect her, and decided to paint his last painting. After completing the painting, he then realized that he could not give up painting, as he could never live a life without art.[1] Determined, Ena then tells him that she understands now, and even though she knows she does not have talent, she still wants to become an artist. She tells him that she too can not stay away from his art, and that no matter how painful it is, she won't give up. Realizing she is truly determined and her mind is made up, with a gentle smile on his face, he accepts her words and tells her that she can do what she likes.
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Akito and Ena's Mother[]
Akito and Ena's Mother (母親) who has made several appearances in the story. Unlike her husband, she is unvoiced and has no Live2D Model. An extremely encouraging and supportive mother, she believes that her children should do what they want and live their lives the way they want, even if they keep suffering from it in the process.[2] Ena notes that even when she tried pushing her away when she was in middle school and suffering through her problems, their mother always made sure to leave Ena hot meals, even if it meant having to stay up late and sleep in the living room, and do things like record Airi's programs for Ena to watch.[3][4] She also saved up one of Ena's sketchbooks that Ena tried to throw away, as she felt that Ena would later regret it.[5]
Kanade's Mother[]
CV: Yamamoto Ai (山本 亜衣)
- Age: 30 (at the time of her death)
- Hobbies: Gardening
- Favorite food: Deep-fried tofu
- Least favorite food: Bitter melon

Kanade's Mother (奏の母) who died from an illness when she was young. She debuted in a flashback during the Carnation Recollection event story. In Kanade's birthday card story, she manages to remember that her mother would always make her a "special plate" for her birthday which was filled with her favorite foods (such as hamburg steak, spaghetti, gratin, fried shrimp and pudding).
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Yukihira Saneatsu[]
Yukihira Saneatsu (雪平 実篤) is a famous award-winning art teacher who also knows Ena and Akito's father. He debuted in the On This Blank Canvas, I Paint event story unvoiced and without a model. He hosts an art class that Ena used to attend for over 5 years. He is very blunt and strict, rarely giving out praise and compliments to his students. Ena stopped attending his class after he told her that she was too arrogant, that she shouldn't attend his classes just to get recognition, and that he couldn't sense any desire to grow as an artist from her. During her final lesson, she was unable to draw and as a result got no feedback at all from him, leading to Ena falling in despair and quitting the class without saying anything. 2 years later, Ena decides to attend his 3-day intensive art class, and on the last day, surprises Ena by admitting that he was actually going to give her tips on how to improve, but didn't get the chance to.
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Yukihira cameo in Neppuu |
Natsuno Futaba[]
CV: Iwami Manaka (石見 舞菜香)
- Age: 17
- Hobbies: Collecting masking tape
- Favorite food: Pancakes (specifically from the store that is located on the road she takes to go home after art classes)
- Least favorite food: Salty foods

Natsuno Futaba (夏野 二葉) is an art student and Ena's peer in Yukihira's art class.
She debuted in the On This Blank Canvas, I Paint event story where she was surprised to see Ena after 2 years and happily welcomed her back to the art class. She is a very kind and hardworking girl who admired Ena's art style, complimenting that it's unique and even tried to at one point replicate it, but was never able to do it properly. She attends the art school every day and even its workshops in hopes of entering the Tokyo Art University.
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Akiyama Yuuki[]
CV: Matsui Eriko (松井 恵理子)
- Age: 22
- Hobbies: Collecting cute buttons
- Favorite food: Hawaiian pizza
- Least favorite food: Beef tongue

Akiyama Yuuki (暁山 優希) is Mizuki's older sister who lives and works overseas.
Yuuki is mentioned as early as SEKAI Happy New Year! when Mizuki mentions that their parents went to visit her for New Years. She is mentioned again during Secret Distance, while Mizuki is at the cursed shrine. When Kanade asks about her, Mizuki establishes that while that the two are very close, there is a notable gap in their ages. Yuuki finally debuts unvoiced and without a model through flashbacks and messages in And Now, I Wear This Ribbon. Her voice and model were later added into the game. In Beside Unchanging Warmth, her name is revealed.
Yuuki is a fashion designer who always wanted to have her own shop. It's not explicitly stated that she has started her own shop yet, but according to Mizuki, she is definitely "active" overseas and capable of producing clothes and accessories, some of which she occasionally gifts to Mizuki. The torso mannequin in Mizuki's room is also a gift from Yuuki.
While Yuuki was aiming for her dream, she ran into significant backlash from the vocational school that she studied at in Japan. The school considered her designs too radical and she was unable to find work. At the same time, however, Mizuki mentions that "the French School" had praised her designs, which implies that the country she's currently working in might be France.
Yuuki moved overseas shortly after Mizuki started their final year of middle school and joined the rest of 25-ji, Nightcord de. She was the one to encourage Mizuki to join the group when Mizuki was worried that doing so may turn out poorly, a fear that developed due to their previous negative experiences with peers. She maintains firm belief in and support for Mizuki. She reassures them that while encountering more failure and unreceptive audiences is a possibility, it's still worthwhile for them to continue to fight, do what they truly like, and look for others that can appreciate and understand them for who they are.
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- ↑ The line he says is "絵のない人生を、歩むことができないのだと", and as Ena's name, "絵名" contains the Kanji "絵", it can be read as a double meaning of him saying that he could never live a life without Ena.
- ↑ Hope Will Someday Go Beyond the Morning Event Story
- ↑ Creating Something Worth Seeing Card Story
- ↑ Frustration, Regret and Gratitude Card Story
- ↑ Regretful Pentimento Card Story