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Project SEKAI Wiki
Otori Emu is female
Member of Wonderlands x Showtime

" I want to make everyone around the world smile! "
― Otori Emu

Otori Emu ((おおとり) えむ) is a second-year student at Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy. She is a member of the musical show unit Wonderlands x Showtime.


A bundle of energy and innocence. Emu dreams of carrying the torch for her grandfather's theme park, Phoenix Wonderland, and was prepared to part ways with the rest of Wonderlands X Showtime as they pursued their own dreams. However, with encouragement from her brothers and fellow troupe members, she has decided that in order for her to grow, she needs to venture out into the world.

Emu is the daughter of the owner of Phoenix Wonderland, and grew up watching shows in the park. After seeing Tsukasa fail his audition, she hires him, along with Nene and Rui, to return the dilapidated Wonder Stage to its former glory. Emu wants to perform on the small Wonder Stage and keep it alive, as it was her late grandfather's favorite stage. She was inspired to make others smile by her grandfather, whom she greatly looks up to, though he passed two years before the main story.

As a first year, Emu was classmates with Honami in Class 1-B. As a second year, she is classmates with Saki and Shiho in class 2-B. She was part of the Sports Festival Executive Committee with Saki and Haruka.


Emu is a short girl with big sparkly pink eyes and pink hair cut into a short, messy bob. Her voice is bright and positive.

Casual Outfit

Her casual outfit consists of a puffy pink jacket (also covered with stickers and a badge or two), a yellow shirt, and blue overalls with gold button going down the front, followed by a pair of tennis shoes.

In her second year, her casual outfit consists of a pastel yellow hoodie with a yellow triceratops through the pocket and a hot pink hood, sleeves, and hem, and loose denim shorts.

Unit Outfit

Her show outfit consists of a poofy round dress with tied bright ribbons of many sizes along the bottom edge. She wears a similar tied ribbon in her hair, down the front of the outfit, and on her shoes. Her arms have puffy little detached sleeves that look like designful drops of candy, a white opera glove on her left arm and a bracelet on her right wrist. She has mismatched thigh-high socks, with pink & white candy cane stripes on her left leg and plain white on her right. On the very bottom of her left leg where her heeled shoe meets her ankle, she wears a small, bright cyan "x". The top of her dress contains short pieces of lace that flow out onto the skirt of her expressive pink dress. In the official image for her unit outfit, she is holding a white bowl with a yellow, pink and purple design and yellow ruffles on the side; the festive bowl holds round, colorful wrapped candies.

Her second unit outfit consists of a puffy white dress under a dark pink vest with three cloths extending from the waist in yellow, white, and shades of pink and red. She wears an elongated detached collar striped in hot pink and white, and with a gold necklace with a blue gem. She wears white gloves and white thigh-high socks, both ending in large hot pink-and-yellow ruffles, and red flats with straps around the ankles. A small bow decorates the side of her waist, two on her chest, one on each ankle, and a larger one with a ribbon in her hair.


With a cheerful and somewhat naive personality, Emu is highly impulsive, acting on every idea that she comes up with, with a tendency to drag people around her into her plans. Emu has established her own personal catchphrase, "Wonderhoy!☆" (「わんだほーい!☆」), which she uses as a way to motivate herself and others.[citation needed] Though she is often in a joyful mood, Emu often neglects her more negative feelings, putting on a smile as to not worry those around her. Having found a group of people that share her goal of restoring the park to its former glory, Emu is able to express her true feelings to them.

Emu also seems to have a keen intuition when it comes to the sincerity of a person's expressions, as she is terrified of Mafuyu, noting that although Mafuyu is smiling on the outside, it doesn't feel "right". Though she seems airheaded, Emu is very smart and has placed in the top 3 of her school's exams.


Otori/Ootori (鳳) refers to the Fenghuang, sometimes called the "Chinese phoenix".

Emu (えむ) means "smile".

Game Interactions

A list of characters Emu interacts with in the game.

Tsukasa (icon)Nene (icon)Rui (icon)Miku wxs (icon)Kaito wxs (icon)Len wxs (icon)MEIKO wxs (icon)Rin wxs (icon)Luka wxs (icon)Ichika (icon)Saki (icon)Honami (icon)Shiho (icon)Minori (icon)Haruka (icon)Airi (icon)Shizuku (icon)Kohane (icon)An (icon)Akito (icon)Toya (icon)Kanade (icon)Mafuyu (icon)Ena (icon)Mizuki (icon)


Subpage: Relationships

Tenma Tsukasa: Fellow group member and friend. They're working together to restore Phoenix Wonderland's Wonder Stage to its former glory. Emu likes his loud personality and finds him fun to be around, to Tsukasa's occasional annoyance. She is also shown to have a great amount of admiration for him after he defends her and the stage against Emu's brothers. Emu seems to look up to him, appreciative of his kindness towards his own younger sister, in comparison to her own brothers' more neglectful attitude towards her.

Kusanagi Nene: Fellow group member and friend. Emu thinks she's extremely talented at singing, while Nene thinks Emu is a weirdo alongside the rest of their troupe. Despite this, Nene is shown to genuinely care very much for Emu, and is quick to stand up for her to Emu's brothers. Nene wants to help Emu achieve her goal.

Kamishiro Rui: Fellow group member and friend. Emu is impressed by his over-the-top tendencies and thinks he is fun, while Rui thinks she's wonderfully bizarre. Rui and Emu sync very well, the two being able to communicate even when Tsukasa and Nene do not understand them.

Tenma Saki: Good friends who first meet in the Miyamasuzaka Sports Festival Executive Committee's planning sessions after Emu loudly bursts into the planning room. The two are quick to get along, sharing the same enthusiam about making the Sports Festival as fun as it can be. From there they grow to become good friends, meeting again when Tsukasa invites Saki and her bandmates to Phoenix Wonderland. Emu is happy to hear about the memories that Saki has of the times she spent at Phoenix Wonderland as a kid.

Mochizuki Honami: Close friends. The two were also classmates in their first year of high school.

Kiritani Haruka: Friends who first officially met during the Miyamasuzaka Sports Festival Executive Committee during one of their planning sessions, though Haruka had heard about Emu prior to the event. After Emu explains her desire to make the Sports Festival an event that can be fun and motivating for everyone, Haruka steps up and offers her support, much to Emu's gratitude. During the festival the two become a part of the same team and successfully win the race. Emu explains that it was the desire to be able to say "We did it!" to Haruka that gave her the motivation to give her all and win the race. The two become good friends from then on.

Momoi Airi: Friends following Secret ♡ Operation Valentine's Day. Emu recognizes Airi from the Good Morning show, which she used to watch as a kid. They formed a secret alliance with Saki as they baked cupcakes and other sweets for their respective groups.

Azusawa Kohane: Friends who were part of the same group at the Seaside School. Kohane is a big fan of Phoenix Wonderland. Kohane is one of the few people who can understand Emu's unusual style of speaking.

Asahina Mafuyu: An upperclassman that Emu was paired with for the 3-legged race during the Miyamasuzaka Sports Festival. She can tell that Mafuyu's smiles aren't real, and is outright terrified of her as a result. Despite finding Mafuyu scary, she expresses a desire to make her genuinely smile, though her efforts usually don't work out. In At This Festival Bathed in Twilight, Mafuyu confides to her and Rui about feeling like she doesn't have a dream nor something she's passionate about like the people around her. In the final chapter, Emu expresses her desire to see Mafuyu find what she truly wants to do.

Shinonome Ena: When Emu and Ena met in Paint What I Love ♪ Rainbow Canvas, Ena was initially very envious of Emu's drawing skills. However, Emu expressed that she liked Ena's art, surprising the latter, and that she would defend Ena if anyone mocked her drawings.

Hatsune Miku: Emu and Miku are a lot alike — both full of energy, life, onomatopoeias, and utter chaos. Emu loves the Wonderland SEKAI and Miku loves it when Emu comes to visit. They often end up in some sort of shenanigans, once almost falling off the Wonderland SEKAI's flying train.[1]

Kagamine Rin: VIRTUAL SINGER and Friend.

Kagamine Len: VIRTUAL SINGER and Friend.

Megurine Luka: VIRTUAL SINGER and Friend.

MEIKO: VIRTUAL SINGER and friend. Emu calls her "MEIKO-onee-chan" and sees her as a responsible older sister figure.

KAITO: Emu respects KAITO and views him as a reliable older brother figure, referring to him as "KAITO-oniisan", or "Big Brother KAITO" in English. She and Rui are perhaps the only character in the SEKAI to view KAITO as the older brother figure he desires to be viewed as, rather than a parental figure, as both Tsukasa and MEIKO seem to believe that KAITO is like a father.

Otori Keisuke: Emu's oldest brother. He often shuts down Emu's new ideas and plans for the park, stating that they are too idealistic. Although Emu tries her best to remain positive, her brothers' criticism does damage her spirit. It's also shown that Emu is also quite sensitive to rejection and disapproval, even when indirect, which may be another result of this criticism. After Wonderlands x Showtime puts on a show using the entire park as a stage in the Wonder Magical Showtime! event, Keisuke becomes more considerate towards her ideas. He even says "Wonderhoy" with her in the final chapter.

Otori Shousuke: Emu's second oldest brother. He is usually annoyed by her behavior, shutting her ideas down with blunt words. Shousuke is particularly harsh towards her, calling her selfish and telling Emu that both her and her ideas are dumb. After Wonderlands x Showtime puts on a show using the entire park as a stage in the Wonder Magical Showtime! event, Shousuke becomes more sympathetic towards her ideas, which Emu is very happy about.

Otori Hinata: Emu's older sister. Emu seems to be the closest to her out of all the Otori siblings, and they often go shopping together.[2]

Kizuna Rank

Character Rank 5 Rank 26 Rank 46
Miku wxs Kizuna Rank Naivete (天真爛漫) Energetic Girls (ハイテンションガールズ) Wonderhoy (わんだほい)
Len wxs Kizuna Rank Pom Pom Po ♪ (ポムポムポ♪) Don't Force Yourself to Smile (無理に笑わなくていいよ) Still Having That Old Dream (むかしむかしの夢は今も)
MEIKO wxs Kizuna Rank Peppy Pair♪ (チームの元気印♪) Steely Stamina! (バキバキスッタミーナ!) The Power Of Dreams and a Smile (夢の力、笑顔のそばに)
KAITO wxs Kizuna Rank Dependable Older Brother (頼れるお兄さん) Wonderland Siblings (ワンダーランドの兄妹) Together with My Older Brother (お兄さんと一緒)
Saki Kizuna Rank I'm Always Excited! (いつでもワクワク!) Behind That Smile... (笑顔の裏で…) Here Thanks To All The Support (支えられて今がある)
Honami Kizuna Rank Are You Really Classmates? (本当に同級生?) Apple Pie Heaven (アップルパイ天国) No Longer Lonely, Right? (もう寂しくないね!)
Haruka Kizuna Rank They Actually Are Alike (やっぱりちょっと似てるね) Phenny Secrets?! (フェニーくんの秘密!?) It's All For Smiles And Hope (明日も笑顔と希望のために)
Airi Kizuna Rank Fluffy Pink (ふわふわピンク) Lion Dance Friends♪ (ライオンダンスでお友達♪) Long Live The Alliance! (同盟は永遠に!)
Kohane Kizuna Rank Phenny Love (フェニラン愛) BEST SUMMER Going To Where My Heart Beats! (心がドキドキするほうへ!)
Akito Kizuna Rank I Have An Older Sister Too (姉がいる) Is It Really The Same Person as Before? (さっきと同じ人?) Stacks Of Solidity and Sensibility (堅実な積みと感性の積み)
Toya Kizuna Rank Can Play Games Surprisingly Well (意外とゲームできます) 100% Pure (純粋100%) Unleashing Your Hidden Thoughts and Feelings (秘めた想いを解き放って)
Tsukasa Kizuna Rank Sparkly BAWOOOM (キラキラバビューン) Listen When People Are Talking (人の話を聞け) The Ferris Wheel That Day (あの日の観覧車)
Nene Kizuna Rank Dear Friend (大切な友達) Let's Eat Lunch Together (お昼一緒に食べたいな) The Sun & The Little Mermaid (太陽と人魚姫)
Rui Kizuna Rank Brimming with Curiosity (好奇心旺盛) We Eat Taiyaki From The Middle (たい焼きは真ん中派) Fantastical Ideas (発想が奇想天外)
Mafuyu Kizuna Rank She's Smiling But Also Not? (笑ってるのに笑ってない?) A Three-Legged Pair In It To Win It (本気の二人三脚) I'll Make You Truly Smile Someday (いつか本当の笑顔を)
Ena Kizuna Rank Morning Glory Story (アサガオの秘密) Doesn't Have To Be Mr. Octopus (顔はたこさんじゃなくても) I'll Use That Sparkly Paint Someday! (いつかピカピカ絵の具で!)


Emu is featured in the SEKAI version or has an alternate vocal of the following songs:

Song Name Producer Date Added (JP) Date Added (EN)
Sweet Magic Junky 2020/09/30 2021/12/07
Bouken no Sho ga Kiemashita! Jesus, WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! 2020/09/30 2021/12/07
Dance Robot Dance NayutalieN 2020/10/07 2021/12/22
Miracle Paint OSTER project 2020/10/13 2021/12/15
Chururira Chururira Daddadda! Wada Takeaki (KurageP) 2021/01/03 2022/01/10
Positive☆Dance Time Kinoshita 2021/02/19 2022/02/28
Oki ni Mesu mama Eve, Numa 2021/04/05 2022/04/27
Telecaster B-Boy Surii 2021/10/06 2022/10/06
Yī Èr Fanclub mikitoP 2022/03/15 2023/03/14
Rimokon WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY!, Jesus 2022/05/16 2023/05/24
Kami no Manimani rerulili 2022/05/30 2023/05/30
Goodbye Sengen Chinozo 2022/06/13 2023/06/13
Alien Alien NayutalieN 2022/07/11 2023/07/15
Odore Orchestra YASUHIRO 2022/08/08 2023/08/06
Ego Rock Surii 2022/10/06 2023/10/06
Love ka? Hiiragi Kirai 2022/11/14 2023/11/05
Netoge Haijin Sprechchor Satsuki ga TENKOMORI 2022/12/30 2023/12/30
1925 T-POCKET 2023/02/15 2024/02/21
Aa, Subarashiki Nyansei Nem 2023/06/12 2024/06/12
Taiyoukei Disco NayutalieN 2023/07/12 2024/07/10
Sukina Koto Dake de Ii Desu PinocchioP 2023/10/08 2024/10/10
Wagamama Hime Fujiwo 2023/10/25 2024/10/27
Kyoufuu All Back Yukopi 2024/01/01 2025/01/01
Kosho Yashiki Satsujin Jiken Teniwoha 2024/02/22 2025/02/22
1000-nen Ikiteru iyowa 2024/03/25
Ochame Kinou LamazeP 2024/05/07
Kyou mo Harebare FuwariP 2024/06/10
QUEEN Kanaria 2024/08/26
Chigau!!! Carlos Hakamada 2024/09/02
Tensei Ringo PinocchioP 2024/10/07
Konton Boogie jon-YAKITORY 2024/12/29

Song Name Producer Date Added (JP) Date Added (EN)
Sekai wa Mada Hajimatte sura Inai PinocchioP 2020/09/30 2021/12/07
Potato ni Natte iku Neru 2020/11/07 2021/12/30
Once Upon a Dream YASUHIRO 2021/02/28 2022/03/30
Tondemo-Wonderz sasakure.UK 2021/06/19 2022/06/24
Glory Steady Go! Kinoshita 2021/08/20 2022/08/20
Showtime Ruler Karasuyasabou 2021/10/29 2022/10/26
Niccori^^Chousa-tai no Theme Jesus, WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! 2022/01/19 2023/01/19
88☆彡 marasy, kemu 2022/04/11 2023/04/11
Hoshizora no Melody PolyphonicBranch 2022/06/28 2023/06/28
Donna Ketsumatsu ga Onozomi dai? Pusu 2022/10/21 2023/10/21
Hoshizora Orchestra Mizuno Atsu 2023/01/19 2024/01/19
Mr. Showtime Hitoshizuku-P×Yama△ 2023/03/11 2024/03/11
Be The MUSIC! Kinoshita 2023/04/01 2024/04/01
Hakoniwa no Coral koyori 2023/05/29 2024/05/29
Kirapipi★Kirapika nyanyannya 2023/08/21 2024/08/21
Filament fever Kuriyama Yuri (Hachiya Nanashi) 2023/11/28 2024/11/28
CYBERPUNK DEAD BOY Maiki-P 2024/01/23 2025/01/23
Sekai wo Terasu Tetrad OSTER project 2024/02/09 2025/02/09
Opera! Space Opera! NayutalieN 2024/05/29
Seibai ItaAAAAAsu! Jesus, WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! 2024/07/15
Boku no Kami-sama Hanyuu Maigo 2024/11/20
Worlders JIN, TeddyLoid 2025/01/29
Smile*Symphony DECO*27, Niru Kajitsu 2025/02/03

Song Name Producer Date Added (JP) Date Added (EN)
Sweet Magic Junky 2020/09/30 2021/12/07
Sekai wa Mada Hajimatte sura Inai PinocchioP 2020/09/30 2021/12/07
Dance Robot Dance NayutalieN 2020/10/07 2021/12/22
Positive☆Dance Time Kinoshita 2021/02/19 2022/02/28
Once Upon a Dream YASUHIRO 2021/02/28 2022/03/30
Tondemo-Wonderz sasakure.UK 2021/06/19 2022/06/24
Telecaster B-Boy Surii 2021/10/06 2022/10/06
Yī Èr Fanclub mikitoP 2022/03/15 2023/03/14
88☆彡 marasy, kemu 2022/04/11 2023/04/11
Kami no Manimani rerulili 2022/05/30 2023/05/30
Hoshizora no Melody PolyphonicBranch 2022/06/28 2023/06/28
Alien Alien NayutalieN 2022/07/11 2023/07/15
Odore Orchestra YASUHIRO 2022/08/08 2023/08/06
Netoge Haijin Sprechchor Satsuki ga TENKOMORI 2022/12/30 2023/12/30
Hoshizora Orchestra Mizuno Atsu 2023/01/19 2024/01/19
Mr. Showtime Hitoshizuku-P×Yama△ 2023/03/11 2024/03/11
Sukina Koto Dake de Ii Desu PinocchioP 2023/10/08 2024/10/10


  • Emu often inserts Japanese onomatopoeia when explaining something, which confuses Tsukasa and Nene, though KAITO, Rui and Kohane seem to understand it.[3][4]
  • Emu is the one who came up with the unit name "Wonderlands x Showtime".[5]
  • She has a very good sense of hearing.[6]
  • Emu is very athletic and is able to jump from two stories without injury,[7] as well as jump over Tsukasa while he is standing (5'8" / 173cm).[8]
  • In close game/OFFLINE, Emu says that the reason she is so good at Puyo Puyo is because she'd always play with her older brother Shosuke, and since she'd always win, he'd always demand a rematch.[9] Additionally, she's also good at what is implied to be Project DIVA.[10]


