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Retail Therapy T icon
Retail Therapy
Retail Therapy

Side Story 1

Background Scramble Crossing
Unit 1 Scramble Crossing Unit 1
Ena (icon) Ena: Thanks for coming along to buy art supplies with me, Mizuki.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: You're welcome♪
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (I'm glad she asked me to join her... All I could think about was what happened when I was by myself.)
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <I did... But she must've found it while looking around inside my computer when I was out...>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <I have to think that she also found my lyrics and Nightcord...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Mafuyu's mom contacted me...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <So... She asked me to stop working on music with Mafuyu.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I said how I'm not in a position to ask her to do that as long as she wishes to keep working with us...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Then, she responded by asking me to meet with her in person...>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: ...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Easy, Mizuki... You're here to take your mind off things, so no thinking about that right now!)
Ena (icon) Ena: Oh, that reminds me...
Ena (icon) Ena: When I invited you, didn't you say that there were some shops you wanted to check out?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, there are! I was hoping to go around to them after you got everything you needed.
Ena (icon) Ena: Okay. So, where did you have in mind?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: That apparel shop at the mall we went to a while back! Remember? You bought that really cute blouse there.
Ena (icon) Ena: Oh, that place... Do they have some new stuff?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, there's that...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: But some anime-inspired stuff from this show I really like is also supposed to go on sale today♪
Ena (icon) Ena: Anime-inspired stuff? Like character costumes?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: No, original outfits based on this one character! You won't believe how cute it is!
Ena (icon) Ena: I see...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Your face is telling me, "You say it's cute, but you only think that because you like this show, right?"
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: But I'm not joking when I say it's super cute!
Ena (icon) Ena: Okay, I get it. Also, what was that just now? Were you trying to impersonate me?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Pretty good, right♪
Ena (icon) Ena: Huh? In what way?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Haha! Anyway, let's head over!
Background Shopping Mall
Unit 1 Shopping Mall Unit 1
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Oh, here! Found it! It's this one-piece!
Ena (icon) Ena: This? It is really cute, and you could wear it on a regular basis too.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: See? How many times did I say before that it's super cute?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: However, as a fan of this character... Check this out!
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: This little bit is what makes it special! And it's totally obvious if you're her fan.
Ena (icon) Ena: Is that what you meant before?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yup. So, mind if I go try it on?
Ena (icon) Ena: Be my guest. I'll keep looking through this rack.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Okay, be right back...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Oh...!
Ena (icon) Ena: Huh? Mizuki? Aren't the fitting rooms over that way?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: This dress is so nice...
Ena (icon) Ena: Yeah, the little frills on the sleeve are subtle but really cute... At the same time...
Ena (icon) Ena: It's pretty casual-looking. You don't normally wear stuff like this, do you?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, but imagine if Kanade wore it?
Ena (icon) Ena: *Gasp* It'd look perfect on her!
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Right?! And if you take this with these pants! Ta-daa! It's totally Mafuyu!
Ena (icon) Ena: Yeah, it is! But I'm not sure if she'd ever wear something like this...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Haha. True...
Ena (icon) Ena: This reminds me of when the four of us went shopping together that one time...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, when we went to see that movie!
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: We looked for outfits that we thought would look good on Kanade and Mafuyu, and begged them to try them on!
Ena (icon) Ena: Yeah, that was really fun. I hope we get another chance to hang out like that again.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Same... They'll probably say no, but wanna try asking them anyway?
Ena (icon) Ena: Yeah... Especially since it might help Mafuyu take her mind off things.
Ena (icon) Ena: Oh, actually... If push comes to shove, I could ask her to model for another painting.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yikes... Some friend you are.
Ena (icon) Ena: Excuse me? I've been such a good friend to her!
Unknown (icon) Ena & Mizuki: Hehe.

Side Story 2

Background Diner
Unit 1 Diner Unit 1
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (I really wasn't expecting to run into Mafuyu here like this.)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: But guess what?! This one shop we went to today had these new outfits that would look so great on you and Kanade!
Ena (icon) Ena: Mizuki made a huge fuss about that when we were there too.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Haha! Yeah, I did! So, Mafuyu, wanna invite Kanade and check it out together the next time we can?
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: Together...?
Ena (icon) Ena: Yeah... We don't know when we'll be able to, but let's set aside some time when we can, okay?
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: ...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: I'll think about it...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (It's nice that she sort of wants to go out shopping and stuff with us again.)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (And us chatting like this will hopefully help give her some reprieve from what's been happening!)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Hmm... What should we talk about next...?)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Oh, I know...!)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Speaking of which, we went shoe shopping after looking at clothes. Ena took like twenty minutes to decide whether or not to buy the pair she was looking at...
Ena (icon) Ena: Well all of the little signs for them only had good things written about them which was really shady...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: Shady...?
Ena (icon) Ena: They look like an ordinary pair of sneakers, but they apparently help you lose weight just by having them on your feet...
Ena (icon) Ena: The soles seemed to be designed in a way to make it deliberately hard to maintain your balance, so I guess your legs would sort of get a workout just by walking around in them.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: They even had these videos playing which seemed to show that they actually work...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: All that leaves is for her to actually put them on and exercise...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: I doubt she will...
Ena (icon) Ena: Hey, I... Might've if I bought them...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: Then, why didn't you buy them?
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: Even if they don't work as advertised, you'd be motivated to work out and lose weight, right?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, what she said. You would've felt compelled to exercise and get your legs in shape.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: So, maybe you should've bought them.
Ena (icon) Ena: Huh? What are you two getting at?
Ena (icon) Ena: I mean, Mizuki... You don't really exercise since you usually stay in your room while you work, right?
Ena (icon) Ena: But you have a ton of stamina. Why is that?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Haha. That's because I have three healthy meals every day. Unlike a certain someone...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Also, I have to stand, walk around and carry a bunch of stuff at my job.
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: This other girl in my class also works in retail and seems much fitter than you, Ena...
Ena (icon) Ena: Oh? I was under the impression that clothing store employees just stood around all day, but you have to stay pretty active, huh?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Hey, hold up! Standing around isn't easy! You have no idea how much my legs and back hurt after a shift!
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Also, carrying around stuff takes a lot of out you.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: What else is there...? Oh, we have sales quotas to meet and have to get in a certain number of customers per day, so you need to be a smooth talker too.
Ena (icon) Ena: You do...? That seems pretty easy for you, Mizuki.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Haha! I chose this job specifically because I thought I'd be great at it.
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: Mizuki, your ribbon... It's going to get stained...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Huh? Whoa, good catch! It was about to dive right into my parfait!
Ena (icon) Ena: The ice cream's even starting to melt! You gotta eat it quick!
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, you're right! I got so into our conversation that I totally forgot about it!
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: ...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Mafuyu? Is something wrong...?
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: No...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Okay.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Come to think of it, Mafuyu didn't look so good when I went over to go talk to her...)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Or am I just overthinking things...?)
Ena (icon) Ena: Oh, Mafuyu, you drank all your tea. Do you wanna order something else...?
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: No, it's okay...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: We've still got some fries, so feel free to have some!
Ena (icon) Ena: Hey, Mizuki... Can you take some of my parfait?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yours? Don't tell me you're already full.
Ena (icon) Ena: Actually, I am... Kinda... It was bigger than I was expecting...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: But I'm still working through mine...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Still, I won't be having dinner for a while, so I guess I can lend her a hand.)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: If you insist...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: Shall I have some?
Unknown (icon) Mizuki & Ena: What...?!
Ena (icon) Ena: That'd be great, but... Are you sure?
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: Yeah, aren't you having dinner soon...? Also, the taste...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: A little should be fine.
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: I won't know how it tastes, but I don't think I'll hate it.
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: In that case, Mafuyu, let's help her together.
Ena (icon) Ena: Thanks, Mafuyu.
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: You're welcome...
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Huh...?)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (Is it just me or did Mafuyu smile ever so slightly just now...?)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: (I hope she's feeling a little better...)

Other Mizuki Card Stories

Retail Therapy, 614, 4, Akiyama Mizuki, Asahina Mafuyu, Shinonome Ena