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Situation acrylic figure - with VIRTUAL SINGER vocal album - is a three-disc compilation album bundled with 6 acrylic standees. The first two discs feature full versions of the VIRTUAL SINGER versions of commissioned songs and the third disc features game-size versions of VIRTUAL SINGER Another Vocals. The physical edition was released on July 17, 2024, while the digital version will be released in Fall 2024 on various streaming services.

Track Listing[]

Disc 1[]

No. Song Producers Performers
01 needLe DECO*27, Rockwell Hatsune Miku
02 Idol Shin'eitai (アイドル新鋭隊, Newly Edgy Idols) Mitchie M Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka, MEIKO
03 Ready Steady Giga, q*Left Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len
04 Sekai wa Mada Hajimatte sura Inai (セカイはまだ始まってすらいない, The World Hasn't Even Started Yet) PinocchioP Hatsune Miku
05 Stella (ステラ) JIN Hatsune Miku
06 Jackpot Sad Girl (ジャックポットサッドガール) syudou Hatsune Miku
07 potato ni Natte iku (potatoになっていく, Becoming Potatoes) Neru Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len
08 More! Jump! More! (モア!ジャンプ!モア!) NayutalieN Hatsune Miku
09 Forward R Sound Design Hatsune Miku
10 Nijiiro Stories (ニジイロストーリーズ) OSTER project VIRTUAL SINGER
11 Hare wo Matsu (霽れを待つ, Awaiting Clear Skies) Orangestar Hatsune Miku
12 Color of Drops 40mP Hatsune Miku
13 RAD DOGS HachiojiP Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len
14 Kagirinaku Haiiro e (限りなく灰色へ, Close to gray) Surii Kagamine Len
15 Once Upon a Dream (ワンスアポンアドリーム) YASUHIRO Kagamine Rin
16 Tenshi no Clover (天使のクローバー, Angel's Clover) DIVELA Kagamine Rin
17 IDSMILE (アイディスマイル) toa Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin
18 「1」 164 Megurine Luka
19 Cinema (シネマ) Ayase Hatsune Miku

Disc 2[]

No. Song Producers Performers
01 Ai no Material (アイノマテリアル, Love material) Junky Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin
02 Tondemo-Wonderz (トンデモワンダーズ) sasakure.UK Hatsune Miku, KAITO
03 Kanadetomosusora (カナデトモスソラ) Sasanomaly Hatsune Miku
04 From Tokyo (フロムトーキョー) Natsushiro Takaaki, Takuya Watanabe Hatsune Miku
05 Beat Eater Police Piccadilly Hatsune Miku
06 Ice Drop (アイスドロップ) aqu3ra Hatsune Miku
07 Glory Steady Go! Kinoshita Hatsune Miku
08 Ryuusei no Pulse (流星のパルス, Pulse of the Meteor) *Luna VIRTUAL SINGER
09 Saisei (再生, Reborn) Picon Hatsune Miku
10 Awake Now Yunosuke, Gyuuniku Hatsune Miku
11 SEKAI (セカイ) kemu, DECO*27, Rockwell Hatsune Miku
12 Wah Wah World (ワーワーワールド) Mitchie M, Giga Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin,
13 Gunjou Sanka (群青讃歌, Ultramarine Hymn) Eve VIRTUAL SINGER

Disc 3[]

No. Song Producers Performers
01 Roki (ロキ) mikitoP Kagamine Len, KAITO
02 Teo (テオ) Omoi Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka
03 Hibana -Reloaded- (ヒバナ -Reloaded-) DECO*27, Rockwell Kagamine Rin
04 Hibana -Reloaded- (ヒバナ -Reloaded-) DECO*27, Rockwell MEIKO
05 Doctor=Funk Beat (ドクター=ファンクビート) nyanyannya Kagamine Len
06 Charles (シャルル) balloon Kagamine Len, KAITO
07 Kuyamu to Kaite Mirai (悔やむと書いてミライ, Composing the Future) mafumafu Hatsune Miku
08 Dappou Rock (脱法ロック, Law-Evading Rock) Neru KAITO
09 Inochi ni Kirawarete Iru. (命に嫌われている, Hated by Life) Kanzaki Iori Kagamine Rin
10 Inochi ni Kirawarete Iru. (命に嫌われている, Hated by Life) Kanzaki Iori Megurine Luka
11 Yobanashi Deceive (夜咄ディセイブ, Night Tales Deceive) JIN Kagamine Len
12 Keitai Renwa (携帯恋話, Cellphone Love Story) mafumafu Hatsune Miku
13 Jackpot Sad Girl (ジャックポットサッドガール) syudou MEIKO
14 potato ni Natte iku (potatoになっていく, Becoming Potatoes) Neru Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, KAITO
15 Forward R Sound Design Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, MEIKO, KAITO
16 Nijiiro Stories (ニジイロストーリーズ) OSTER project MEIKO, KAITO
17 Color of Drops 40mP Megurine Luka
18 Kagirinaku Haiiro e (限りなく灰色へ, Close to gray) Surii Kagamine Rin
19 Ifuudoudou (威風堂々, Pomp and Circumstance) Umetora KAITO
20 Beat Eater Police Piccadilly Kagamine Rin
21 Beat Eater Police Piccadilly KAITO
22 Bitter Choco Decoration (ビターチョコデコレーション) syudou Megurine Luka
23 Venom (ベノム) Kairiki Bear Hatsune Miku
24 Venom (ベノム) Kairiki Bear KAITO

External Links[]

