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What the Hanged Girl Saw T icon
What the Hanged Girl Saw
What the Hanged Girl Saw

Side Story 1

Background Kanade's Room (Night)
Unit 1 Kanade's Room Unit 1
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Okay, I'm uploading it now.>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Hehe. I can't wait to see what people say about it, but I should probably hit the hay now... *Yawn*...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Great work, everyone. This took a lot out of us, so we should all get some well-deserved rest.>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <Okay... Good night.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Night, everyone!>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Phew... It's finally done and uploaded.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: And this song...

Background Empty SEKAI
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: I'm not sure how to describe it...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: But I liked it, I think...
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: It felt... A little warm...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I hope that a lot of people listen to it...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: *Yawn*...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: For now, I should go to bed...
Background Kanade's Room
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Hm...? It's morning already?
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Oh, right. The hospital...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I need to get ready and... Huh?
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I left Nightcord open. Oh, good... I disconnected before going to bed.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: But Ena and Mizuki wrote me something...
Ena (icon) [Enanan]'s Log: <You awake? Did you see the view count?>
Mizuki (icon) [Amia]'s Log: <Yeah, I saw! Isn't it awesome?! It's like double what we usually get!>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Oh, really?
Ena (icon) [Enanan]'s Log: <Everyone's saying that the video goes really well with the music, so this one might end up becoming our best one yet, you know?>
Mizuki (icon) [Amia]'s Log: <Yeah! I hope K and Yuki get to enjoy this too!>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Maybe I should take a look.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (Oh wow... So many views and comments...)
Unknown (icon) Comment: <It made me cry a little...>
Unknown (icon) Comment: <It feels so warm and comfy, you know?>
Unknown (icon) Comment: <I've had a lot on my mind lately, but I feel way better after hearing this song.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Thank goodness...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (I guess this means it's managed to reach all these people, like the way it reached Mafuyu.)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (I'm so glad...)
Background Hospital
Unit 1 Hospital Unit 1
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Dad, I'm here...
Unknown (icon) Kanade's Father: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Oh, he's asleep...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (The nurse said that he had some tests done on him this morning, so he must be tired.)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (But I was sort of hoping to talk to him...)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Dad, I brought you a song that my friends and I made.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I know you're not supposed to play anything loudly but...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Do you remember, Dad...?
Kanade (icon) Kanade: That time you, Mom and I had a picnic in the park...?
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I'd forgotten where we actually went, but someone in my group helped me find it again.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Thanks to them, I was able to remember that wonderful time we had together.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I even realized how I want to make Mafuyu smile through my music.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: And so, I composed this song.
Unknown (icon) Kanade's Father: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Thanks for listening to it, Dad. I should get going now...
Unknown (icon) Kanade's Father: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Huh? Dad, did you smile just now...?
Unknown (icon) Kanade's Father: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Did I imagine that...?
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (I could've sworn that he just smiled...)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: But I'm going to keep composing, Dad...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I'm going to compose a song that can make someone... No, a song that can make everyone feel happy...
Unknown (icon) Kanade's Father: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: I'll be back soon, Dad...

Side Story 2

Background Kanade's Room (Night)
Unit 1 Kanade's Room Unit 1
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Okay...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (The way the key change started off didn't sound right at first, but seems much better now.)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (After that, I just need to adjust the interlude a little, and the rough draft should be complete.)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: Oh, it's half past midnight. I would've worked past 25:00 if I just kept going.
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (I was planning on taking a short break, but I should probably log into Nightcord before I forget...)
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Oh. Hey, K!>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Hi, K!>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <Hello.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Oh, hello. You're all here early.>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <We are and were all working, but Enanan and Amia were going off on a tangent just now.>
Ena (icon) Ena: <We were just chatting! What's wrong with that?!>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yeah♪ It's important to have a quick breather before things get rolling at 25:00!>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Anyway, we were just talking about how surprised we were when we ran into Li'l Bro and his friends.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I see.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (Oh, I didn't really get to talk to them either. All I did was tell them my name.)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I remember them mentioning something about performing as a group at live house events.>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Yeah. They sing street music and are apparently pretty famous around here now.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yup! They're called Vivid BAD SQUAD!>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <K, Yuki, you two probably still don't know much about them, so I'll tell you all about what they're all like!>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <What they're like...?>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yeah! Okay, here it goes! They're "powerful", "cute", "pure" and "hard-working"!>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Hold on. Who's who in this case?>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Well, my guess is that "powerful" is referring to Shiraishi.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Haha! Bingo♪>
Ena (icon) Ena: <That means... "Cute" and "pure" has to be that really quiet girl, right?>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Nope! You're right about "cute" being Kohane, but "pure" is Toya♪>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Those were different people?!>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <So "hard-working" is Enanan's younger brother.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yup. I mean, she's sort of turned him into her personal servant...>
Ena (icon) Ena: <What? I think "arrogant" is a better word for him.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Hehe...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I didn't realize that you already knew all of them, Amia.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yeah, we all go to the same school and one's even my classmate♪>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Oh, except Kohane. She goes to Miya Girls. Wait, Yuki, have you two ever met before...?>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <No...>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <Outside of club activities and committee business, I don't have many chances to talk to first years.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Fair enough.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <...>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Is something wrong, K?>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I don't quite remember their faces, so I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding their personalities...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <It might help to hear them sing...>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Wait, you want to hear them sing?>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Haha. That's so you, K.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <But Li'l Bro and Toya sang during the Summer Festival. They headlined the amateur division, remember?>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I think so... But which performance were they...?>
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <Ena's brother led during the beginning and had his own solo during the second half of their song, but his friend's pitch was much better.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Oh, I remember now.>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Wait, seriously?!>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <That means you probably remember Kohane too! Just think about the Fan Festival...>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <You know? The one who we thought wouldn't sing the way she did? That's Kohane.>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Oh, you're right! I think she was wearing the same cap as that time too!>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <I don't remember what she was wearing, but I remember the way she sang.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <She seemed used to performing in front of a crowd, which must have to do with singing with Ena's brother and his friends.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yeah, probably!>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <That just leaves An. All I have to say about her is that she's an unbelievable singer!>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Hehe. She's even given me some pointers on how to be a good singer♪>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Wow, you two must be pretty good friends.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Well, yeah. Unlike a certain someone, I have plenty of friends.>
Ena (icon) Ena: <Huh? Are you saying that I don't have any friends?>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <No, never...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: ...
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (Everyone seemed to have a tough time with our last song, but I'm glad they're feeling much better now.)
Mafuyu (icon) Mafuyu: <K, it's 25:00...>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Oh, you're right. Thank you, Yuki.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Okay, let's get started.>
Mizuki (icon) Mizuki: <Yeah♪ It was nice to chat like this, but I'm all good to go!>
Ena (icon) Ena: <I'll send you a draft of my illustration in a little bit, K.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: <Okay, understood.>
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (That ended up being a nice break.)
Kanade (icon) Kanade: (I should be able to maintain this pace and finish that draft now.)

Other Kanade Card Stories

What the Hanged Girl Saw, 309, 4, Yoisaki Kanade, Asahina Mafuyu, Shinonome Ena, Akiyama Mizuki