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Wonder ☆ Christmas! T icon
Wonder ☆ Christmas!
Wonder ☆ Christmas!

Side Story 1

Background Wonderland SEKAI Stage
Unit 1 Wonderland SEKAI Unit 1
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: It's almost Christmas♪ What's our show gonna be like?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Oh, how about one with lots of Santas! Having lots of presents would be so much fun☆
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: And what else... Oh? It's the plushies.
Unknown (icon) Plushie A: Did you hear? KAITO's planning a Christmas show!
Unknown (icon) Plushie B: What, really? What's it going to be like?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: (Yay! It seems everyone's looking forward to Christmas!)
Unknown (icon) Plushie B: Apparently this thing called snow is supposed to fall during Christmas too.
Unknown (icon) Plushie B: It's white, fluffy and falls from the sky! It even disappears when you touch it!
Unknown (icon) Plushie A: That's so strange, but it must be pretty! I'd like to see it!
Unknown (icon) Plushie B: And, and, there's something called a sleigh that you can ride on and fly around the sky!
Unknown (icon) Plushie A: Wow! Will that be in the show too?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: (Snow and a flying sleigh... Hehehe. These are some good ideas!)
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: (Hmm, I wonder if the plushies know about Santa too? And the reindeer? He's the one that rides the sleigh while delivering everyone's presents after all...)
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO's Voice: Miku! Come over and let's start talking about our next show!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Sure♪ I'll be right there!
Background Wonderland SEKAI
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: First, does anyone already have any ideas for what they'd like to have in our Christmas show?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Yes! Me! Me! Me! I want to have snow falling on the stage!
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: Snow on the stage...?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: And reindeer too! With a sleigh that flies around the sky♪
Len wxs (icon) Len: Wow, reindeer and a flying sleigh?! That all of that sounds really fun!
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: Yes, those are some great ideas. And of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without Santa.
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: Now let's think about how we can make it all happen.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Yeah! We can do it! I know it!
Len wxs (icon) Len: Haha, you're burning with motivation!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: (The plushies will love it!)
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: One more thing! Let's invite the Wonderlands troupe♪ They might be able to give us some exciting ideas for our show too!
Len wxs (icon) Len: Yeah! Let's do it together with them!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Okay! I'll go over to Phoenix Wonderland to see Emu and the others!

Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Sob... I'm back...
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: Are you okay, Miku?
Len wxs (icon) Len: What's wrong? Were you able to talk to them?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: No, I did but... They're all busy preparing for their own show.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Nene looked so sad too and said she wasn't interested in joining our show.
Len wxs (icon) Len: So they won't perform with us?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: No, I'm not giving up just yet...!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: I don't know what's eating away at Nene, but...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Tsukasa seemed determined to help her! And I'm sure he will!
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: I see. In that case we can invite them again later.
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: (We'd still need someone to help with our show, though... But I know who else I might be able to recruit as actors.)
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: Worst case scenario, we can at least invite them to watch our play.
Len wxs (icon) Len: Yeah! And the plushies have to see the show too! They'll get so excited about the snow and the flying sleigh!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Yup! Um, wait a minute... How did you know about the plushies?
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: We were talking about the show while you went over to Phoenix Wonderland.
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: It was easy to guess why you suggested snow and the sleigh since the plushies were talking about them too.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Hehehe, was it that obvious?
Kaito wxs (icon) KAITO: We're going to have our hands full preparing this show. Let's all do our best!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Okay! Let's make it the best Christmas show ever and bring Christmas cheer to everyone♪
Len wxs (icon) Len: Yeah!

Side Story 2

Background Wonderland SEKAI Stage
Unit 1 Wonderland SEKAI Unit 1
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: La-di-da-di-da♪ As usual, we had a really fun performance!
Unknown (icon) Plushie A: Yeah! It was great! Let's finish putting the props away so we can go talk about it with everyone!
Unknown (icon) Plushie B: Okay! Let's do it!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Oh, is someone waiting outside? Is that...?
Background Wonderland SEKAI
Nene (icon) Nene: ...

Miku wxs (icon) Miku: It's Nene. Why's she not coming in?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: (Oh, maybe it's because she still feels shy around the plushies?)
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: (Well, let's make her more comfortable☆)
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Little ones, you go and play. I'll take care of the rest♪
Unknown (icon) Plushie A: Wait, really?
Unknown (icon) Plushie B: Yay! Thanks, Miku!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Yup! No problem!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Nene! It's just me here now!
Nene (icon) Nene: Oh! Um...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: How are you, Nene? Is there something you want to talk about?
Nene (icon) Nene: Um...
Nene (icon) Nene: I just wanted to tell you that we finished the last of our Christmas show performances and that they all went well.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: That's great! And thank you for coming over to tell me about it!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: And what about the contest?
Nene (icon) Nene: We managed to beat our rivals this round.
Nene (icon) Nene: But they still lead in total points, so we have to do really well during our next performance to win.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: That's great! I'll be cheering for you!
Nene (icon) Nene: Thanks.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: ...
Nene (icon) Nene: Miku...?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: The first time you visited SEKAI, you spent the whole time hiding behind Robo-Nene...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: But now you're here talking to me face to face☆
Nene (icon) Nene: Oh...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Hehehe! It makes me very happy♪
Nene (icon) Nene: Really...?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Huh? What's wrong, Nene?
Nene (icon) Nene: Um, well...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: There's no rush! You can tell me whenever you like.
Nene (icon) Nene: Okay, well... I've been wondering about this for some time...
Nene (icon) Nene: This world was created based on Tsukasa's feelings, right?
Nene (icon) Nene: You and KAITO have been inviting us here to see your shows, so that Tsukasa would remember what his true feelings were, I guess...?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Yup, that's correct.
Nene (icon) Nene: So this is what I don't get...
Nene (icon) Nene: Tsukasa's already discovered his true feelings, and I'm just performing in the same troupe as him so...
Nene (icon) Nene: Why do you and KAITO care about me at all?
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Hehe, that's simple! It's because we want to see you blossom as an actress!
Nene (icon) Nene: Huh... That's it?
Nene (icon) Nene: But you do so much for me and encourage me every time I visit...
Nene (icon) Nene: It's not that I'm worried about Tsukasa getting annoyed with me getting so much support from you, but I feel like you're spoiling me with this being his SEKAI and all...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: We're absolutely not, Nene!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: And besides, you have a connection to SEKAI too!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Tsukasa's wish of bringing joy to everyone with your shows is also your wish!
Nene (icon) Nene: Oh...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Tsukasa also needs you, Emu and Rui to create the shows he dreams about!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: You can't make great shows alone after all!
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Don't you think so too, Nene? Don't you need your friends to create really special performances?
Nene (icon) Nene: Yes, I do...
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Keep coming to SEKAI whenever you like! I want to talk to you more and more♪
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: Come for rehearsals, shows or just to hang out! You're always welcome here and promise not to be a stranger!
Nene (icon) Nene: I promise... Thanks, Miku.
Nene (icon) Nene: Next time, I'll drop by just for fun. I'll bring Emu along too.
Miku wxs (icon) Miku: That'll be great☆ I'll be looking forward to it♪

Other Miku Card Stories

Wonder ☆ Christmas!, 145, 4, Hatsune Miku, Kusanagi Nene, Kagamine Len, KAITO